Avant-garde Metal | Musicosity

Avant-garde Metal


In un caldo pomeriggio d'estate, due giovani intellettuali, con in comune la passione per le serie tv e i film interpretati da Gianna Micheals danno vita ai GROEN. GROEN è un progetto in cui la follia avanguardistica di Groenlaz si fonde con lo spumeggiante virtuosismo di Oas (già noto per essere membro di The Frogman Prog Trio). La musica è caratterizzata da un susseguirsi di emozioni contrastanti fra loro, talvolta intense, talvolta rarefatte che annichiliscono e travolgono l'ascoltare, lasciando un senso di confusione sia fisica che mentale.

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Ihsahn (born 1975), born Vegard Sverre Tveitan, is a Norwegian guitar, bass and keyboard player and vocalist. He is best known for his work with Norwegian black metal band Emperor. He played in Peccatum with his wife Ihriel (real name Heidi S. Tveitan) until 2006 and has appeared in Thou Shalt Suffer, Zyklon-B and Hardingrock, and now devotes himself to his solo project, Ihsahn. In very early releases he went by the name Ygg.

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At least two bands call themselves Mare: one was a progressive sludge band from Oakville/Burlington, Canada, the other is a black metal band from Trondheim, Norway. 1) Mare from Oakville/Burlington was a band orchestrated primarily by frontman Tyler Semrick-Palmateer, previously on vocal duty for tech-metal outfit The End. In a unique mixture of , and and other textures that defy immediate genres or categorization...

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Fusionmetal - A relatively new and unexplored genre in the world of metal. Exivious isn't an over the top math metal band and certainly isn't a loungy jazz combo either. But expect everything in between! With a jazzfusion backbone Exivious uses freaky metal riffs to decorate their organic eruption of free improvisations and complex rhythms. Guitarist Tymon comments: "We finally managed to transform a vision I had a long time ago into 9 intense and fiery songs. There's an immense amount of information in there that will definitely take more than one spin in your CD player to comprehend!"

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Viral Millennium

Viral Millennium is an industrial metal duo from Australia, bringing together the 2 masterminds/idiots behind Flood of Rain and Syncron City.
A.D. and Gregor combine their musical styles to create something uniquely dark and brooding.
the concept of Viral Millennium is to capture the violence of humanity and realize it as a full sonic assault through their own hybrid style of industrialized hard rock and metal! Free Downloads at:

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At first, there was nothing but these memories of a cold and grey urbanism. It is meanwhile walking down the streets of Kemper, France, that netra was first thought of, back in 2003. Nothing else could convey these horrible feelings, this underlying depression and boredom of city life. Seven years and two demos later, netra raises the interest of Nick Skog, owner of the canadian label Hypnotic Dirge Records...

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The Monolith Deathcult

The year is 2013...

The Old Continent is on the brink of total collapse. After two pyrrhic victories the Fifth French Republic groans under the yoke of Berlin at long last, making once proud France the 17th state of Germany. To secure some hope for a sixth French Republic, the French music label Season of Mist has shown remarkable vigour and artistic courage to forge an alliance with the only triple-A rated band in Europe: The Monolith Deathcult (TMDC).

Read more about The Monolith Deathcult on Last.fm.

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Philadelphia quartet Rosetta push the boundaries between , , , , and , employing an experimental songwriting technique filled with chaos and atmospherics. Their sounds range from Pink Floydian / sonic layering to walls of pure static ambience to crushing, sweeping y riffage. Their first album (The Galilean Satellites, 2005) was an especially ambitious project: the goal was to record two discs of equal length (one a metal album...

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