Suicidal Black Metal | Musicosity

Suicidal Black Metal


... is a black metal band, started in 2007 as international project, the group in now located in Parma, Italy, with only Italian members.
Since their formation, they have released a demo, a full-length and two split albums. Discography
2007 - Suffering Existence (demo)
2009 - Somebody Save Me (full-length)
2011 - Cold Journey Through Madness (split with Dead and Vidharr)
2012 - The Path Toward Forgetfulness (split with Shyy) Members
Current line-up:
Lateliis - vocals, lyrics
Gabriel - clean vocals, lyrics

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There are many bands under the name of Valhalla, 10 of them are metal. 1) The best known Valhalla hails from Petrozavodsk, Rusland and has released one album under the name of "Hail To The Fallen Majesty" in 2003. 2) There is another Valhalla originating from Bedfordshire in England from 1979 playing progressive metal. They had two national single releases on the NEAT records label, "Coming Home" and the double A sides of "Jack" and "Still in Love with You" together with tracks on the compilation album sponsored by the popular music paper SOUNDS.

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There is more than one band with the name Geist: 1.) Geist, (
2.) Geïst, from Germany (
3.) Geist, an / project from Alsace in France:
4.) Geist, (
5.) Geist, The group's music features percussion, harp and Chapman Stick.
6.) Geist, from Israel (

Read more about Geist on

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Angra Mainyu

Angra Mainyu is a depressive black metal band found 2002 in Germany. As typical for this genre their lyrics are focused on themes like sorrow, depression, blasphemy and death. In ancient Persian religion and books of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu is the god of darkness, the eternal destroyer of good, personification and creator of evil, bringer of death and disease. He is also known as Ahriman, and his name means "fiendish spirit".
- 2002 - The Art of Blasphemy (demo)
- 2004 - Xasthur/Angra Mainyu (split with Xasthur)

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Mourning Dawn

Fruit of one only man's (Laurent) passion for the dark side of music, The French Black Metal band Mourning Dawn was born in September 2002 with the very confidential release of the first demo called "Mourning Dawn".
Recorded with a small budget, this album already shows a line-up which wants to avoid stereotypes while giving a dark and violent music.
The few feedbacks that this demo received encouraged its genitor to make a continuation.

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There are multiple artists with this name: 1.) Australian Black Metal with two full length albums: Withering Illusions and Desolation and To Lay Like Old Ashes. They have also released two splits, one with the German, Isolation, and one with Lyrinx from the United Kingdom: 2.) Austere is an ambient-electronic group based in Portland, Oregon. It is unknown who they are, because the group thinks that the music is the important matter and not who is behind it. They have been releasing music since 1998 and are distributed by Hypnos Online:

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There exist five acts with this name: 1. A side project of Lycia members Mike Vanportfleet and fellow member David Galas
2. An atmospheric/ambient/raw dark/black metal with vocals reminiscent of early Burzum.
3. A Finnish rock band
4. A death.blues London, UK band
5. A techno act from sweden. -----
1) In the midst of an incredibly prolific time for the band Lycia during the mid-'90s, bandleader Mike Vanportfleet and fellow member David Galas found time to create a side project...

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