unforgettable songs from when i was a teenager | Musicosity

unforgettable songs from when i was a teenager


Darkane (formerly known as Agretator) is a Melodic Death / Thrash Metal band formed in Helsingborg, Sweden in 1998. The name Darkane is a portmanteau of the words "dark" and "arcane". The first album featured Lawrence Mackory, who had a much more death metal influenced voice. After 1998's Rusted Angel, Andreas Sydow was recruited, and handled vocals on the next three albums, Insanity, Expanding Senses, and Layers of Lies. He decided to leave the band in 2007 and Jens Broman (Construcdead, The Defaced) took his place for Demonic Art.

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Mournful Congregation

Mournful Congregation is a band from Adelaide, Australia, founded in 1993.
The music revolves around melodies on electric and/or acoustic guitar and is further characterised by minimal drums, deep growled and whispered vocals. Main lyrical themes are personal spirituality, mysticism and depression.
In 2009, the band performed live for the first time in their 15 year existence, with 4 Australian shows, and another 17 shows throughout Europe to promote their 2009 album "The June Frost".

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Omnia may refer to several artists, here listed in order of popularity on last.fm: 1. Omnia is a self-described "neoceltic pagan folk" band based in The Netherlands and Belgium and whose members are Irish, Dutch, Indonesian, English and Belgian. Their traditional music takes on the form of various cultural routes, from places around the world such as Ireland, England and Afghanistan. They sing in Welsh, English, Irish, Breton, Finnish, German, Latin and Hindi and play Celtic harp, mouth harp, hurdy-gurdy...

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Archgoat is a Finnish black/death metal band formed in 1989. Their initial period of activity was between 1989 and 1993, when they released two demos - "Jesus Spawn " and "Penis Perversor " - and an EP titled "Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration) ". They split up until about 2005 when an old recording was released as the "Angelslaying Black Fucking Metal " EP. Since their reformation they have released two full-length albums, "Whore of Bethlehem " in 2006, "The Light-Devouring Darkness " in 2009...

Read more about Archgoat on Last.fm.

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Wonkavision is an indie rock band with loads of moogs, power guitars and vocal harmonies a la 60s. Firstly inspired by the north-american band The Rentals, Wonkavision is mostly characterised by the contrast between the sweetness of their melodies and the sarcasm of their lyrics.
Their debut album Wonkainvasion was released in 2004 in Brazil, and won a national award for the best indie rock album that year. In 2007, Wonkavision signed with the Tokyo based label PowerPop Academy and released an English version of the same album in Japan.

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Manilla Road

Manilla Road is an American band from Wichita, Kansas, USA, forming around its master of lead guitar Mark 'The Shark' Shelton (vocals and guitar). They are considered the creators and masters of the the so-called "" subgenre. Manilla Road was created by Shelton in 1977 with high school friends Benny Munkirs, Rick Fisher and brothers Robert and Scott Park. After playing in local bars, the group first gained attention with their song "Herman Hill," inspired by the Herman Hill riot.

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Kartikeya is a Blackened Death Metal Band with Indian influences (in both lyrics and instrumentation) formed in Moscow, Russia in 2004. On June 22, Kartikeya released their single "The Horrors Of Home" (featuring Keith Merrow & Aleksandra Radosavljevic) from their upcoming album titled "Samudra". Current Lineup:
Mars - Vocals
Arsafes - Guitars, Clean Vocals, Ethnic Instruments
Rinat - Guitars
Alexander - Bass
Alex Smirnov - Drums
Dmitriy - Percussion

Read more about Kartikeya on Last.fm.

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