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Darkane (formerly known as Agretator) is a Melodic Death / Thrash Metal band formed in Helsingborg, Sweden in 1998. The name Darkane is a portmanteau of the words "dark" and "arcane". The first album featured Lawrence Mackory, who had a much more death metal influenced voice. After 1998's Rusted Angel, Andreas Sydow was recruited, and handled vocals on the next three albums, Insanity, Expanding Senses, and Layers of Lies. He decided to leave the band in 2007 and Jens Broman (Construcdead, The Defaced) took his place for Demonic Art.

Read more about Darkane on Last.fm.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Atrocity is a German Death/industrial/gothic metal band formed in Ludwigsburg. ___________ 2) Atrocity are a Death Metal/Grindcore band from Torrington, Connecticut.
___________ 3) Atrocity/b] were a punk band in the 80's from Berkeley, California who were featured on Aaron Cometbus' "Lest We Forget" compilation tape. ___________ 4) Atrocity were a danish post punk band from Albertslund/Brøndby, The band were inspired by Joy division.

Read more about Atrocity on Last.fm.

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Great Big Sea

Great Big Sea (often shortened to GBS) is a Canadian folk-rock band from Newfoundland and Labrador, best known for performing energetic rock interpretations of traditional Newfoundland folk songs. The band also performs original material. On March 11, 2010, Great Big Sea celebrated their seventeenth birthday as a band. And like almost every one of their many anniversaries spent together, they celebrated it by playing a concert, this one in Omaha, Nebraska.

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Crazy Town

Crazy Town is a hip-hop/rock band formed in Los Angeles, CA, USA in 1995 by Bret Mazur and Seth Binzer. The band is best known for their 2001 single, "Butterfly", which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Members of the band mix elements of hip-hop and rock but are mainly alternative hip-hop. As a group, they have released two studio albums, The Gift of Game and Darkhorse. Their debut album was certified Platinum by the RIAA.

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Manilla Road

Manilla Road is an American band from Wichita, Kansas, USA, forming around its master of lead guitar Mark 'The Shark' Shelton (vocals and guitar). They are considered the creators and masters of the the so-called "" subgenre. Manilla Road was created by Shelton in 1977 with high school friends Benny Munkirs, Rick Fisher and brothers Robert and Scott Park. After playing in local bars, the group first gained attention with their song "Herman Hill," inspired by the Herman Hill riot.

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Ne Obliviscaris

A 6 piece metal band consisting of violin, 2 guitars, bass, drums, clean and extreme vocals; Ne Obliviscaris hail from Melbourne, Australia, and include a vast array of influences within their sound from progressive to black, thrash, death and melodic metal, and even western art music, jazz and flamenco. Creating music of many extremes, and with compositions often exceeding ten minutes in length...

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Royal Hunt

ROYAL HUNT recently released their new - 11th - studio album: "Show Me How To Live". The band once more joined forces with former lead singer DC COOPER to continue the magic of Royal Hunt. To those who are discovering and re-discovering the band, here are the members:

ANDRE ANDERSEN - was born on December 16th in Moscow, Russia. He studied piano since he was 5. He is a mix of Danish and Georgian "royal" blood and is a musical genius who can virtually play any instrument, compose, write lyrics and produce all at the same time.

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Kartikeya is a Blackened Death Metal Band with Indian influences (in both lyrics and instrumentation) formed in Moscow, Russia in 2004. On June 22, Kartikeya released their single "The Horrors Of Home" (featuring Keith Merrow & Aleksandra Radosavljevic) from their upcoming album titled "Samudra". Current Lineup:
Mars - Vocals
Arsafes - Guitars, Clean Vocals, Ethnic Instruments
Rinat - Guitars
Alexander - Bass
Alex Smirnov - Drums
Dmitriy - Percussion

Read more about Kartikeya on Last.fm.

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