depressive black metal | Musicosity

depressive black metal

Dining In Tuscany

Dining In Tuscany formed in late 2005 and after an extensive writing period hit the studio to create a sonic representation of the bands intentions. A no nonsense approach to recording and an appreciation of frostbitten atmospherics as dictated by their contemporaries, laid way for the creation of the "post cards from coco lezzone". The EP is cacophonous and raw, it's production values lend themselves to that of old school "necro" black metal and would not disappoint fans of both modern heavy music and their forefathers.

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There are multiple artists under the name of Shining: 1) A Swedish depressive black metal band
2) A Norwegian experimental metal jazz group
3) A defunct British indie band
4) Julian Beeston, an electronic musician
5) A Polish experimental death metal band 1. A Swedish depressive black metal band originally formed back in 1996 by Kvarforth. Their lyrical themes are based on depression , suicide and angst, and their live performances contain large amounts of self-mutilation that they invite the audience to take part in.

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1) Spire - An Experimental Black Metal band from Brisbane, Australia. ---------------- 2) Jake Perrine (aka Spire) is a composer / producer / dj / performance artist currently resding in seattle washington. He performs dj / live laptop sets, as well as incorporating other media such as theatre, dance, voice and video. As well, Jake is a producer, remixer, masting engineer working with talented musicians to raise the bar on musicality, audio quality and sonic design.

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There is more than one band with the name Geist: 1.) Geist, (
2.) Geïst, from Germany (
3.) Geist, an / project from Alsace in France:
4.) Geist, (
5.) Geist, The group's music features percussion, harp and Chapman Stick.
6.) Geist, from Israel (

Read more about Geist on

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Nailbed is a Finnish black metal band which draws it's lyrical influences from depression, betrayal and suicide. 2001: Nailbed was formed at the beginning of a feisty winter. Forming members of Nailbed were Percele (guitar and mandolin) and Priestess Cunt (synth). Music written in this era is heavily influenced by Summoning, Burzum and Tolkien. 2002: Priestess Cunt proved to be useless for this project since all Summoning influences were left behind. Percele had an idea of a more brutal band. At the end of the year two new members were recruited: Cadaver (drums) and Vesa T.

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Mourning Dawn

Fruit of one only man's (Laurent) passion for the dark side of music, The French Black Metal band Mourning Dawn was born in September 2002 with the very confidential release of the first demo called "Mourning Dawn".
Recorded with a small budget, this album already shows a line-up which wants to avoid stereotypes while giving a dark and violent music.
The few feedbacks that this demo received encouraged its genitor to make a continuation.

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Seb----Drums, Backing Vocals
Armin--Guitar, Backing Vocals
Michi---Guitar, Backing Vocals
Peter--Bass "A coming storm "- under this motto to the five young musicians to start up with their eponymous album.
The goal is to go with their passion for their music to fans in its spell, and Winterstorm is a band that takes their sound a fresh wind into the metal scene that reaches far not only for diehard metal fans with enthusiasm.

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