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post black metal


Arcturus is an band from Oslo, Norway featuring many prominent members of the Norwegian black metal scene from bands such as Ulver, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Borknagar, The Kovenant, Emperor, and Winds. Arcturus have experimented throughout their career, extracting influences and incorporating elements from all over the musical spectrum including black metal and classical music, but the core of their sound has always been metal.

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There are different artists using the name 'Sleepwalker': 1) Atmospheric Black Metal/Post-Rock. Very little is known about this band, but it is the solo project of the drummer of Fell Voices and has two CD-R demos, each with three untitled tracks. Sleepwalker is working on new material as of May 15th, 2011, and the first demo was remastered and re-released on LP by Vedavu in 2012 (this time with song titles: "Born of Dream", "Sleepwalker", and "Ecstatic Unknown").

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At first, there was nothing but these memories of a cold and grey urbanism. It is meanwhile walking down the streets of Kemper, France, that netra was first thought of, back in 2003. Nothing else could convey these horrible feelings, this underlying depression and boredom of city life. Seven years and two demos later, netra raises the interest of Nick Skog, owner of the canadian label Hypnotic Dirge Records...

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Terzij de Horde

TERZIJ DE HORDE combine an amalgam of progressive black and doom metal with a rawness and live presence reminiscent of extreme hardcore or chaotic screamo.

Terzij de Horde is old Dutch for “set apart from the horde”. It is a line from the poem “Einde” (ending) by legendary Dutch poet Hendrik Marsman. Marsman is an inspiration to the band, as are many other authors and philosophers in the same dark, vitalistic vein.

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About Dordeduh To start understanding the essence of the band is to first delineate the two Romanian words that its name is composed of: “dor” and “duh”. Having a deep, unique meaning in Romanian, “dor” is thought to be untranslatable in any other language using only one word, its sense being of “longing/yearning for something”, “missing something”. It can be something palpable, well-known and familiar (a place, a person, a taste) but it can also be a nostalgic feeling brought up by something vaguely known, dwelling in an old chamber of one’s soul.

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Norwegian , self-described as "Bunker Metal".

Drottnar is bizarre; orthodox bedlam skillfully crafted through cutting- edge unorthodoxy. The totality of the concept compels beyond what trends or external preferences will ever decide. Conceived through a series of deeply vested intentions and ideals, Drottnar was proudly established in 1997. The bandmembers' previous relationship to death metal evolved in patterns of fierceness, slightly changing into a more extreme taste.

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Vulture Industries

Vulture Industries explore a gloomy musical landscape. With their doomy, progressive and different approach to metal they’ve stood out in the Bergen, Norway music scene since the band formed in 2002. Their sound is a unique mix of extreme, melodic, symphonic, industrial and slightly experimental metal. Although Vulture Industries is quite a young band, they hold signifcant musical experience, and consists of current and former members of Sulphur, Black Hole Generator, Malice In Wonderland, Enslaved (session), Taake (session) and Syrach.

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There's more than one artist under this name:
1. Thorns (formed as Stigma Diabolicum, but changed name to Thorns after two years) is a Norwegian black metal band, masterminded by Blackthorn (Snorre W. Ruch - also in Mayhem and Satyricon). They made two highly influential demos in the early 90's, Grymyrk and Trøndertun, but have only released one full-length album, since the band was founded, in 1989. Tags: 
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Solefald is a metal band from Norway that was formed by members Lars Are "Lazare" Nedland and Cornelius Jakhelln in August 1995, with Lars singing and playing keyboard/synthesizer/piano and drums, and Cornelius singing and playing guitar and bass. The meaning of the band's name is best explained in an interview from Century Media Records website. Lazare states "Solefald is an old norse word for sunset. We "stole" it from a painting by the Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen. Tags: 
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