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Darkane (formerly known as Agretator) is a Melodic Death / Thrash Metal band formed in Helsingborg, Sweden in 1998. The name Darkane is a portmanteau of the words "dark" and "arcane". The first album featured Lawrence Mackory, who had a much more death metal influenced voice. After 1998's Rusted Angel, Andreas Sydow was recruited, and handled vocals on the next three albums, Insanity, Expanding Senses, and Layers of Lies. He decided to leave the band in 2007 and Jens Broman (Construcdead, The Defaced) took his place for Demonic Art.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Atrocity is a German Death/industrial/gothic metal band formed in Ludwigsburg. ___________ 2) Atrocity are a Death Metal/Grindcore band from Torrington, Connecticut.
___________ 3) Atrocity/b] were a punk band in the 80's from Berkeley, California who were featured on Aaron Cometbus' "Lest We Forget" compilation tape. ___________ 4) Atrocity were a danish post punk band from Albertslund/Brøndby, The band were inspired by Joy division.

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Manilla Road

Manilla Road is an American band from Wichita, Kansas, USA, forming around its master of lead guitar Mark 'The Shark' Shelton (vocals and guitar). They are considered the creators and masters of the the so-called "" subgenre. Manilla Road was created by Shelton in 1977 with high school friends Benny Munkirs, Rick Fisher and brothers Robert and Scott Park. After playing in local bars, the group first gained attention with their song "Herman Hill," inspired by the Herman Hill riot. Tags: 
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Mournful Congregation

Mournful Congregation is a band from Adelaide, Australia, founded in 1993.
The music revolves around melodies on electric and/or acoustic guitar and is further characterised by minimal drums, deep growled and whispered vocals. Main lyrical themes are personal spirituality, mysticism and depression.
In 2009, the band performed live for the first time in their 15 year existence, with 4 Australian shows, and another 17 shows throughout Europe to promote their 2009 album "The June Frost".

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Skyclad is a British band with strong folk influences in their music. They were formed by former Sabbat vocalist Martin Walkyier, and Satan / Blind Fury / Pariah guitarist Steve Ramsey in 1990 to represent the "ultimate band". From the start, they have incorporated a diverse range of influences from British folk music to German which has fed their constantly evolving sound. They are widely considered the inventors of .

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Moonsorrow is a band formed in Helsinki, Finland, in 1995. Musically, the band incorporates elements of and in their sound. The band call their sound "" and try to distance themselves from the term "". The group's earliest formation consisted of cousins Ville Sorvali (vocals and bass) and Henri Sorvali (guitar and keyboards; also keyboards for Finntroll, Barathrum, and session member of Ensiferum) who released various demos that were much more characteristic of than future releases.

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SE7EN (Korean: 세븐, born Choi Dong-Wook, 최동욱, Hanja: 崔東昱, November 9, 1984) is an electropop and R&B singer from Seoul, South Korea. Se7en began training under a management agency YG Entertainment at the age of 15. After 4 years of training in voice and dance, Se7en made his debut in 2003 and became successful throughout Asia. His impressive vocal range, smooth dance moves, and his refusal to lip-sync during live performances has earned him accolades in the music industry as well as heartthrob status.

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