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valkyriex powerr


Darkane (formerly known as Agretator) is a Melodic Death / Thrash Metal band formed in Helsingborg, Sweden in 1998. The name Darkane is a portmanteau of the words "dark" and "arcane". The first album featured Lawrence Mackory, who had a much more death metal influenced voice. After 1998's Rusted Angel, Andreas Sydow was recruited, and handled vocals on the next three albums, Insanity, Expanding Senses, and Layers of Lies. He decided to leave the band in 2007 and Jens Broman (Construcdead, The Defaced) took his place for Demonic Art.

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There are at least 2 bands/artists with the name Vamps. 1) VAMPS is a Japanese unit by Hyde (lead vocalist of L'Arc~en~Ciel) and K.A.Z (guitarist of Oblivion Dust, hide with Spread Beaver and Spin Aqua). HYDE and K.A.Z have been working together since HYDE's third solo album FAITH, which was released in 2006. In early spring 2008, they announced the name-change for HYDE's solo project - and officially formed a band. One of the reasons being to give more credit to K.A.Z for his work. Thus VAMPS was born.

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Moonsorrow is a band formed in Helsinki, Finland, in 1995. Musically, the band incorporates elements of and in their sound. The band call their sound "" and try to distance themselves from the term "". The group's earliest formation consisted of cousins Ville Sorvali (vocals and bass) and Henri Sorvali (guitar and keyboards; also keyboards for Finntroll, Barathrum, and session member of Ensiferum) who released various demos that were much more characteristic of than future releases.

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Forgotten Tomb

Forgotten Tomb is a band formed in Piacenza, Italy in 1999 by Ferdinando "Herr Morbid" Marchisio. The band is well-known for being among the pioneers of the so-called subgenre. They have modified their style over the years by adding classic rock influences to the typical eerie sound. The lyrical themes of the early albums revolve mostly around depression and suicide, while the recent albums lyrics deal with negativity and nihilism.

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Pagan's Mind

Previously known as Silverspoon, having issued the 'Sink Or Swim' demo under their former name, PAGAN'S MIND came into being during mid 2000. Frontman Nils K. Rue had previously sang for Sunset Strip. Guitarist Thorstein Eugen Aaby had previously been employed by acts such as Deadline and Sunset Strip whilst drummer Stian Lindaas Kristoffersen has experience with Woodstone, King's Quest and Sunset Strip.

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There seem to be more than 1 artists that go by the name of Morrigan 1. A German Black Metal band, formed by ex-members of Mayhemic Truth. See here for the band's biography.
2. A Japanese solo artist who works with the "WAVE" doujin circle. Mainly produces arranges.
3. A German (Fulda, Hesse) Melodic Power Metal band formed in 1997,now split-up.(
4. A vocal trio from Seattle specializing in nautical songs.

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What happens when you put a bunch of bloodthirsty, music-loving goblins together? Well, a lot of disembowelment, but also a lot of catchy tunes. Formed six millennia ago, and practicing only every other leap year on a full moon, the band has perfected their brand of crushing . On a cold, dreary winter night in July of 2006, Nicholas Von Doom and Tim were in the woods engaging in general tomfoolery when they stumbled upon a mysterious cardboard box with their names crudely inscribed with a Sharpie® Permanent Marker.

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