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Stuff I have reviewed


In late 2004, Tobias Weinreich (Bass), Sebastian Scherrer (Keyboards), Marco Schomas (Vocals) and Simon Schillinger (Guitar) founded Finsterforst. They were still seeking more members however, so instead concentrated purely on songwriting. As a result, they created many songs without being able to perform them until later on. In spring 2005 the band decided to introduce an accordion player (Johannes Joseph) into the mix, a choice which has helped to shape their unique sound.

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From out of the fir-lined mists of the Pacific Northwest's primordial musical soup is spawned the singular performance and sound sculptor Soriah. Spilling initially from a rock and roll womb, but building on years of intensive studies in Tuvan throat singing and classical Indian raga chanting, Soriah both subverts and elevates tradition by weaving the avant-garde into the ancient. The musician and ritual artist known as Soriah (aka Enrique Ugalde of Portland, OR) first came into being more than 10 years ago.

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Assaulter are a METAL metal band from New South Wales, Australia. With the guard of S. Berserker on vocals and guitars, T. Hellfinder armed with the ripping of strings on lead and the out-and-out power and precision of P. Hunt (Razor of Occam) on the battering of the skins - Assaulter have just completed their sophomore LP »Boundless!«. Following up from 2008's »Salvation Like Destruction« Assaulter have honed in their sound and style to deliver 8 cuts of ripping metal ode to power, propaganda and proselytism.

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