Very little is publicly known about Atlantic & Lion at present, other than their members are drawn from Sheffield, Preston, and London, and that the band have made three tracks available to stream, and to download for free, on their bandcamp. Without a band facebook page, the social media anchor for most bands, Atlantic & Lion are certainly not giving too many secrets away, however their latest track ‘I Forgot to Say’ should quickly distract any pangs of curiosity and plunge your attentions into a blissful sea of reverb drenched garage rock.
As Atlantic & Lion currently have no official releases, ‘I Forgot to Say’ stands as the band’s most recent, and most developed, demo. However the track doesn’t suffer from the usual pitfalls that demos are notoriously known for, and instead 'I Forgot to Say' actually benefits from the lo-fi nature of its recording. Fuzzy vocals are balanced upon the jaunty swathes of guitars and echoing percussion, which allows the lyrical nature of the track to retain a resonance without overshadowing the instrumentation. What’s more, while the track could easily be cropped to the more recognizable four minute mark, the final two minutes provide a blistering period of guitar shredding that propels the record from engaging and pleasant, to an experience I’m craving to see live. It is this epic outro that not only cements this track as a well crafted piece of music, but also displays the exciting potential Atlantic & Lion possess in developing their sound further. With rumours the band are currently booking shows for early 2012, I’m certainly keeping my eyes peeled for any dates within a 100 mile radius of wherever I happen to be come the new year.