thrash death metal | Musicosity

thrash death metal


There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Devastation is a thrash band from Chicago, Illinois. 2) Devastation is a black/war metal band from Vancouver, BC CANADA. 3) Devastation is a Thrash metal band formed in 1986 in Corpus Christi, TX, USA. Their first show was opening for Anthrax in Texas that same year. Despite growing popularity, the band came into hard times due to lackluster label support in the 90's and broke up after the tour for their third album "Idolatry." "Violent Termination" is thrash with an almost Venom-like musical quality.

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There are multiple artists with this name: 1) A death/ band from Sydney, Australia formed in 2000. 2)S h a c k l e s is a Norwegian duo known from the 2009 edition of X-Factor (formerly a band with four members). 3) A DJ from the UK. 4) Fast, heavy and pissed off hardcore from the beach, in the vein of Infest/Mind Eraser/Napalm Death. 1)
Shackles is a death/thrash metal band from Sydney, Australia formed in 2000.

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Goatwhore is a blackened death metal band from the swamps of New Orleans, LA. They were formed by well known musicians from the Louisiana metal scene. They first came together in 1996/97 when Sammy Duet (former Acid Bath/Crowbar guitarist) and Zak Nolan (former drummer of Goatwhore, now replaced by Zack Simmons) jammed together as a little sideproject when Acid Bath was taking a break. They soon made some four track demos.

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There are several bands/artists known as Demolition. (1) A Canadian hardcore punk band (2) A UK punk, (3) a Japanese Thrash Metal band and (4) an Irish American Hip-Hop duo made up of the MC Euyo & the DJ Drama. (1) Demolition are a Canadian band from Barrie, ON that play hardcore punk in the style of Altercation, Agnostic Front, and early Madball. They have released one demo and have members from the now broken up band, Planet Danger.
(2) UK Punk:

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Die Hard

There are more than one band with the name Die Hard. 1) Pre-Integrity Cleveland hardcore band, released a 12" titled Looking Out For #1. 2) Oldschool Thrash/death metal band fom Sweden. In November 2005 Harry (bass) formed a band with the intention of bringing the spirits of the past back to life. New album Conjure The Legions out spring/summer 2012. Thrash Til Death 3) A band from Moscow, Russia playing some weird psychedelic stuff.

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1. Born in the Armenian quarter of Iran, Blade came to London aged 7. Within months of arriving, he felt the effect of the Islamic revolution back home. Unable to send money out of the country, Blade’s family could no longer support him. So, with no money, no family, alone in a strange country, Blade’s self-reliance and determination were all he had to see him through. The microphone, the studio and the stage provided his only release.

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