lithuanian | Musicosity



There are five artists by the name of Silhouette: 1. A Lithuanian Progressive Metal band from Klaipeda. In 2008 they released their EP “Theory of Dream”. 2. Swedish jazz group SiLHOUETTE was founded in the spring of 2008, when Christina and Fredrik met at a party, where both of them were playing, but not together. Christina heard Fredrik practicing the beautifiul Lars Gullin tune “Silhouette”, she joined in...

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Leon Somov & Jazzu

Breath taking electronica, inspiring pop simplicity, and unexpected jazz variations all mixed for good measure and spiced up by warm and sensual vocal tones. The hard to find magic to touch souls and pull crowds happened when an aspiring producer and a young jazz vocalist-songwriter met somewhere in Vilnius and later on in the studio. After the warmly welcomed debut video “Mano (Remake)” and “Offline” extended player Leon Somov & Jazzu hit MTV Baltic charts and were featured on “Mercedes-Benz TV’s” Modern Lounge edition.

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The beginning stages of IJO’s musical career took place in the intersection of dark ambient, drum’n’bass and drill’n’bass styles. Later the talented producer moved on to exploring the more accessible easy listening, ambient and IDM territories (though not renouncing his personal attachment to twisted drum’n’bass). Yet even this lighter musical material bore the traces of his experiments with darker and heavier styles, manifested in syncopated polyrhythmic beats and carefully crafted atmospheres.

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Alina Orlova

Alina Orlova is a young singer-songwriter, painter and photographer from Visaginas, Lithuania. Her music could be described as short, soulful piano ballads with poetic lyrics.
The artist became famous when she recorded about 17 demo tracks which quickly leaked to the internet. These included some covers of songs by Виктор Цой and Moby, but most of them were composed by Alina herself.
In the beginning of 2008, after nine months of recording, Alina finally released her first official album - Laukinis Šuo Dingo.

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Progressive singer SATI (11.04.1976) was born and grown up in Klaipeda in a family of a lawer and a journalist.
First, it has to be mentiones that SATI has a strong voice and the artistic talant. Her music was highly evaluated by Lithuanian critics. She has also got an excelent review from the German critics and the biggest German music TV Channel “VIVA”.
According to the critics winding, irreproachably voice of Sati and the music she performs can easily compete with other singers of the world.

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Liudni Slibinai

LIŪDNI SLIBINAI - Šviežiai sukompiliuotas Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro akademijos studentų-aktorių darinys pasižymintis lyties, ūgio bei muzikinių nuotaikų įvairove. Slibinai: Slibinų SMEGENYS- VAIDAS KUBLINSKAS (gitara ir vokalas)-Nuolat filosofiškai kamšo egzistencines skyles ir rūpinasi „grupės“ meninine bei išliekamaja verte. Neapdovanotas humoro jausmu, todėl visuomet yra juokingas. Slibinų ŠIRDIS- AISTĖ LASYTĖ (klavišai ir vokalas).

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There are at least two bands called LYS: 1)
LYS is Lithuanian capital-based ambient/drone project. Project's music gets into depths of a strange static-movement of the sound, earlier used to be more IDM/electronic/experimental orientated. Now it spreads through different horizons, involving listeners to sink (or penetrate)through ambientic slumber atmosphere.
There were some handmade CDr's and internet releases, but now LYS is preparing to release a debut full-length album. EARLIER :

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Joana And The Wolf

Once upon a time on the night of the full moon Joana went to the forest and came across the wolf who was howling. She came closer and said hey wolf can you teach me to sing that nice hooooowl. And the wolf said yes and asked her to open her pretty mouth, and when she did the wolf jumped in like into a deep well. Since then, the girl wanders around with the wolf inside her and each time the moon is full she lets out a wild hoooowl.

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