dark wave | Musicosity

dark wave

Hunting Lodge

There are two bands called Hunting Lodge. 1. Hunting Lodge are a band from Southampton / Bristol, UK, who split up in November 2007. www.myspace.com/huntinglodge Taking cues from other artists such as Arab on Radar, the Pop Group, the Birthday Party, Jesus Lizard, Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, they have deconstructed the traditional notion of ‘the song’ reassembling it as a giant killer robot that’s going to crush your puny human head in its rusty metal claws. OUCH!

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Red Sun Revival

Red Sun Revival are an alternative/gothic rock band formed in London, England in 2011. The line-up consists of vocalist/guitarist Rob Leydon, guitarist Matt Helm, bassist Panos Theodoropoulos, and violinist Christina Emery. The band’s sound is defined by sonorous vocals with intricate, often sparkly guitars which float over driving bass lines and weave amongst haunting violin harmonies. The sound has echoes of the orchestral and choral aspects of film soundtracks and often incorporates elements of folk music.

Read more about Red Sun Revival on Last.fm.

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Rosa Crux

A martial and apocalyptic atmosphere! The band brings us directly to the heart of things. Obsessional, never brutal, Rosa Crvx explore the questions of life and death, of the anguishes and the human's fears. They face the darkness; at the edge of the abyss, their steps progress on an unknown way which exists in the dark and opens to the light when we understand that the only solution is in the acceptance of mysteries. Rosa Crvx reached us down in the depths of the soul...

Read more about Rosa Crux on Last.fm.

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In this new collaborative project the core members are Stephen Carey, formerly of Ireland’s This Burning Effigy; and Tony Pettitt, formerly of the Fields of the Nephilim. With each song various musicians have been involved, bringing in their own talents and trademark sounds to produce the debut album that is ‘Smoke & Mirrors’. The vocalists who have graced The Eden House to produce these songs are Julianne Regan (All About Eve), Evi Vine, Amandine Ferrari and Monica Richards (Faith and the Muse).

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Selebrities, A brooklyn based band bringing back something as old as new wave. The days of analog synthesizers, chorus driven guitars, drum snares and kicks have not been forgotten,Taking hold of such glamourus sound from the 80's 90's golden age, and mixing it with some spices of the post era, Selebrities gives use something that many have never heard before, making this band truly famous.

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Darkwave/Gothic Rock band formed in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1993 by Johannes Berthold. Scarcely another band among the German-speaking Alternative /(Dark)Wave-scene has polarized media and audience within the last eighteen years as much as ILLUMINATE. Either praised up to the skies or torn apart as „Schlager“ (a German derogatory term for bad pop songs) – be that as it may, for the last decade, Jo-hannes Berthold and his band have left their mark on the Dark scene...

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