improvisation | Musicosity



There are at least 4 artists using the name Cubs 1. cubs is a Sydney, Australia based electronic/acoustic duo formed in 1999. Comprising of Nick Wales (coda / alterboy) and dj Seymour Butz (stereogamous) They have releases on "Sauna Sessions" compilations and the "Club Kooky" discs. They have played at a variety of festivals, and even the Sydney Opera house. 2. Cubs is an instrumental freefolk project from the Irish Deserted Village collective. Using a variety of instruments, such as mandolin, whistle, guitar, wordless vocals, and guitar, Cubs weave an organic, relaxing sound.

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Eve Risser

Eve has her musical roots in chamber music as a flutist and pianist. While residing in Alsace, France, she merged in to the contemporary and jazz/improvised music world. Eve’s multifaceted musical creativity has been heard in various settings and groups throughout Europe, USA and Japan. She has had the opportunity to play with interesting improvisers in a broad range of contexts, such as in theatre, dance, poetry, children, solo performances, contemporary and live soundtracks to films.

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There is more than one artist using the name R.I.O 1) R.I.O is a duo that lives and works in Buenos Aires , Argentina. Their music is in the line between free improvisation, electronic, noise, free jazz and ambient.
Their members are Sergio Merce (Tenor sax, WX7, Electronics) and Lucas Totino Tedesco (Lap steel guitar, electronics) both from Buenos Aires. 2) An electronic house project by Manuel Reuter and Yann Peifer, also known as the producing team from Cascada.

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There is more than one artist using this name: 1. kREEPA was founded in 2000 by John Richards and Hilary Jeffery and began with recordings where extended instrumental improvisations were combined with simple electronic textures. The recorder player Cesar Villavicencio joined the group in 2000. Recording continued throughout 2001 at kreepastudio in Leicester (UK), including sessions with the contrabass recorder player Cesar Villavicencio and the phenomenal saxophonist Paul Dunmall. These original recordings became part of two limited edition CD-R releases.

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Acte Vide

Acte Vide is an open-ended duo project. It consists of a series of improvised sessions that happen spontaneously and at intermittent periods, and involve mainly piano and laptop, but extend to voice, percussion, and any found object in sight. Acte Vide is also a constant circle of reactivity between two sound sources, two personalities, and two lives. We tend to move around a lot and have often spent long periods of time separated by considerable geographical distance.

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The Belgian / Dutch electric guitar quartet ZWERM was founded in 2007. The starting point of the four musicians of ZWERM is their common interest for new music: composed, improvised, experimental and performative. The awareness of the similarities between these different elements and the challenge of presenting them in a meaningful way is very important. In the twentieth century the electric guitar has proved to be the instrument of 'low culture' and underground music. Nevertheless, it has found its way to composed music only very recently.

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