noise rock | Musicosity

noise rock

Martin Grech

Martin Grech (pronounced ‘Greck’) is a Maltese-English singer, songwriter and musician from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, born in 1983. He is known for his dark and powerful music, remarkable voice, and frequent subversion of style and genre. He first achieved serious critical acclaim after his haunting falsetto track Open Heart Zoo (written when he was 19 years old) was featured on a Lexus car advert on UK television in 2002.

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Skullflower, one of the most important and influential British noise bands, formed in 1988. They are eternally led by Matthew Bower, the current lineup featuring Lee 'Culver' Stokoe and Samantha Davies. Recent studio recordings and one concert have featured original drummer / vocalist Stuart Dennison. The band originally evolved from a group of occasional, floating players working under various guises, which became Skullflower prior to the release of the debut "Birthdeath" EP on Broken Flag records in 1988.

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Mondo Generator

Mondo Generator (sometimes known as "Nick Oliveri And The Mondo Generator") is an American / band fronted by Nick Oliveri. Nick Oliveri (under the moniker Rex Everything) formed Mondo Generator in 1997 and with friends Josh Homme, Brant Bjork, Rob Oswald, and others, recorded the debut album, Cocaine Rodeo. The LP wouldn't be released until 3 years later due to Oliveri and Homme being full-time members of Queens of the Stone Age.

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The Intelligence

The Intelligence is a lo-fi indie post punk rock band from Seattle, founded by Lars Finberg, drummer of the A-Frames. Finberg played since the late '90s in other bands with vocalist/guitarist Erin Sullivan, and bassist Min Yee: the Dipers, and the Un-Natural Helpers. A Frames and the Intelligence started in 1999. Both acts released singles on Dragnet Records, the indie label Finberg runs with A Frames members Erin Sullivan and Min Yee.

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There are at least 4 bands known as Loomer: 1.A shoegaze outfit from Brazil that was formed in august 2008 (
2. The Toronto, Canada alt/country band formed in 1999
3. The Brisbane, Australia indie/shoegaze band that was formed in 2008.
4. US, San Francisco shoegaze band Loomer ( with album World Tipped Blue 1998 (Evil Eye Records) Current Members: Lynda Mandolyn, Hugh Caley, Serge Vladimiroff
The band are Stefano Fell (guitar, vocal), Liege Milk (bass, vocal), Richard La Rosa (guitar) and Guilherme F. (drums).

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The Fiction

The Fiction can refer to at least 3 bands.
(1) A math-rock/screamo band from New York in the 00s.
(2) An angular post-punk band from East London in the late 00s.
(3) A psychedelic grunge/punk group from Melbourne/Sydney Australia established 2010
(4) A dynamic three piece hailing From Manchester. (1) The Fiction began in late 2001. This New York City band features ex-members of EM-50, Six of One, Kaneda, Freebooters and Corrupt Autopilot. Their evolution from one record to the next has been tremendous as they incorporate their disparate influences into a cohesive sound.

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June Paik

June Paik are an emotive hardcore band from Donauwörth in Germany. They've released a selftitled 7" (React With Protest), a selftitled 12" (React With Protest/Parade of Spectres), the latter of which drew their already dark and intense style more towards epic build ups and heavy droning passages much in the vein of mid-90's Canadian hardcore bands such as Union of Uranus and One-Eyed God Prophecy, a Split 12" with Titan (React with Protest), a selftitled 10" (React with Protest) and a Split 7" with Battle Of Wolf 359 (React with Protest/Adagio830).

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1. Bill Laswell in slow meditative ambient Dub mode. Personnel include Gabe Gatz from Blind Idiot God and DJ Spooky, as well as Bill Laswell alumni Nicky Skopelites, Lilli Haydn, Tetsu Inoue and Robert Musso. 2. Electro-punk outfit from the Pacific Northwest comprised of Okibi and Steeve B. They combine a number of industrial, noise, pop, and post-punk elements into a danceable and eclectic mix of politics, story-telling, and the occult.

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White Lung

White Lung are a four piece punk band from Vancouver, B.C. They have released three 7 inches ("Local Garbage", "Magazines", "Atlanta"), an LP "It's The Evil" on Deranged Records and a tour split 7 inch with Nu Sensae. Their second LP "Sorry" was released June 2012.

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