polskie | Musicosity


Zbigniew Preisner

Zbigniew Preisner (b. 1955) is one of Poland's leading film score composers, best known for his work with film director Krzysztof Kieślowski. Preisner was born on 20th May 1955 in Bielsko-Biała. He studied history and philosophy in Kraków; never having received formal music lessons, he taught himself about music by listening and transcribing parts from records. His compositional style represents a distinctively spare form of tonal neo-Romanticism.

Read more about Zbigniew Preisner on Last.fm.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Turbo is a metal band. It was started in January 1980 by Henryk Tomczak (formerly in Stress and Heam, both pioneering groups). The first line-up were formed by Wojciech Hoffmann – guitar, Wojciech Anioła – drums and Wojciech Sowula – vocals. Soon a single was released, the tracks being W środku tej nocy (Deep in the Night) and Byłem z tobą tyle lat (So many years with you).

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Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Yeshe is a world nomad having lived in over 20 countries and embedding himself in their music and culture. His first solo album is titled World CitiZen. Born in West Germany, Yeshe was passionately interested in other cultures, especially Africa, from early childhood. As a young teenager Yeshe became involved in the flourishing 70s African music scene and by the age of 14 Yeshe was performing with a variety of percussion ensembles.

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There are four different artists of the same name: 1.
Kowalski from Bangor, collectively 83 years old, approximately 66 metres of cable, 1 bass, 2 keyboards, 2 guitars, a drum kit , an organ, two synths and four members who go by the names Louis, Tom, Paddy and Daniel.
In December 2009 they announced that Daniel had left the band to join The Jane Bradfords. He was replaced by another Paddy, prompting Louis and Tom to consider changing their names to Paddy as well.

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Krzysztof Penderecki

Krzysztof Penderecki (born November 23, 1933 in D?bica) is a Polish composer and conductor. His 1960 avant-garde Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima for string orchestra brought him to international attention, and this success was followed by acclaim for his choral St. Luke Passion. Both these works exhibit novel compositional techniques. Since the 1970s Penderecki's style has changed to encompass a post-Romantic idiom.

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Hanna Kulenty

Kulenty Hanna, composer, born on 18th March 1961 in Białystok. In 1980-86 she studied composition with Włodzimierz Kotoński at the Music Academy in Warsaw, then in 1986-88 - composition with Louis Andriessen at the Royal Conservatoire of Music and Dance in the Hague. She also participated in International Courses for Young Composers organised by the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM/SIMC), Polish Section, as well as the Summer Courses of New Music in Darmstadt. In 1990-91 she worked in Berlin as a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst scholarship holder.

Read more about Hanna Kulenty on Last.fm.

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Maria Peszek

Maria Peszek was born in 1973 in Wrocław. She's a daughter of a well-known actor. As she has graduated from acting school, she started performing. So did her brother Błażej.

Her adventure with music began with the play Muzyka ze słowami (Music With Words) where her acting was accompanied with music composed by Polish independent artist Wojciech Waglewski. In 2005 this resulted in Miasto Mania, with music by Wojciech Waglewski and his sons Fisz and Emade (also well known for their ambient hip hop albums).

Read more about Maria Peszek on Last.fm.