noisegrind | Musicosity


Kill the Client

The idea to create a southern grind band that would up the ante in American grindcore came about in July 2002, exactly one day after the demise of founding members Chris Andrews and James Delgado's sludge band EOTS. Violent, blistering grind seemed like the only interesting option after wandering the destructive quagmire of slow-as-mud riffs and pummeling sound levels for a few years, learning their instruments and gaining stage experience.

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Ahumado Granujo

Ahumado Granujo is a band formed in 1999 in Prague, Czech Republic, combining (typically used as song intros) and in the vein of old Regurgitate, Gut, Cum, Dahmer with a heavy sound of down-tuned guitars, dance rhythms, and sophisticated guttural vocal lines. They also incorporate some mental electronica styles to add a unique twist to their brutality.

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Anal Cunt

Anal Cunt is a noisegrind band from Boston. They are often referred to by their initials A.C. Due to the perceived—indeed intended—offensive nature of their name, many of their album covers simply displaying the initials A.C. However, the band has managed to subvert even this abbreviation, by drawing these letters in a manner resembling an anus and a vulva. Their musical catalog consists almost entirely (barring the overwrought satirical Picnic of Love album and a number of cover songs) of ridiculously offensive material.

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Muldoon's Picnic

Folk/world group based in Glasgow since 2000. Lineup varies between four and six singers. Wide range of styles specialising in , , () and other , often in original four- or five-part arrangements. Described as "compelling listening", "very accomplished, very loud and very international in their repertoire", "very talented and technically superb young group who deserve much more attention".

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2-piece noisegrind from sydney, australia. formed 2008
9 track demo 2009
13 track digipak CD "i am become" 2010
9-track mini-CD EP 2011 - available through mathias huxley - throat, strings, samples;
muzz - blasts

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