There are several bands operating under the name Pest. One jazz/hip hop/electronic band (1). Four black metal bands (2,3,4,5), one post-rock band (6) one punk rock band (7) and one breaks/dubstep house collective spelled P.E.S.T (8) 1)Pest is a band from the UK, playing electronic music with tinges of jazz, funk and hip hop.
Current members are Matt Chandler (guitar), Benjamin Mallott (DJ / keys), Thomas Marriott (trombone) and Wayne Urquhart (cello), with all members contributing to the programming and production of the band's music.
There are 2 bands with the same name, a German Black Metal and an Italian Power Metal band (which would tour with Rhapsody over Europe on 2011) 1) The German Black Metal one - man project by F. Nachzehrer - everything (Mensch Schmerz Interaktion, Moriturus/Regnum, Torch of War (Ger), Weltenkampf) 2) Italian band (the photo is from that band):
The Vexillum born in Pisa in September 2004, from an idea of Michele
At least 2 artists:
1.Black metal bands from the United States (Georgia) formed 2007 by Mortem. Releases include: Death (Wolfsvuur ,2008) and unreleased songs. 2.Black metal band from Germany. 3. Greek death metal band, released the self financed ep Monarch to the Kingdom of the dead in 2012
There seem to be more than 1 artists that go by the name of Morrigan 1. A German Black Metal band, formed by ex-members of Mayhemic Truth. See here for the band's biography.
2. A Japanese solo artist who works with the "WAVE" doujin circle. Mainly produces touhou arranges.
3. A German (Fulda, Hesse) Melodic Power Metal band formed in 1997,now split-up.(
4. A vocal trio from Seattle specializing in nautical songs.
There are two artists using this name: a Swedish vikingarock band and a German pagan/viking metal band. 1. Hel is a vikingarock band from Sweden which in the beginning was tied to Ultima Thule's record label, and later they produced their music through their own label, Peanut Music AB. The group, which consists of Malin Pettersson (vocal), Ulrica Pettersson (vocal), Esa Rosenstr