arranger | Musicosity


DJ Maestro

DJ Maestro, alias Martijn Barkhuis (Groningen, 1970), is een nederlandse discjockey, componist en arrangeur. Hij organiseerde onder meer de Dig This!-avonden en de Blue Note Trip compilaties die hij samenstelde voor het jazzlabel Blue Note Records. Drie maanden na zijn geboorte trok Barkhuis met zijn ouders, die in Groningen studeerden, weg uit de gemeente. Hierna woonde hij onder meer in Emmen en Arnhem. Van zijn zevende tot zevenentwintigste speelde Barkhuis viool, onder andere bij het Nederlands Studentenorkest. Hij volgde een masterclass bij Theo Olof.

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Prima lui caseta audio a fost albumul Dangerous al lui Michael Jackson, primit cadou. Nu a ascultat dintotdeauna exclusiv hip-hop, copil fiind era fascinat de sunetul tambalului si acordeonului, din muzica bulgareasca si sarbeasca, si din bucatile lautaresti vechi. Inainte de revolutie asculta cu placere muzica genericelor de la TVR de genul celui ce. Dupa 1989 asculta din diverse genuri formatii ca: Tehnotronic, Snap, Kriss Kross, Doctor Alban, Inner Circle, 2un Limitted, Boys II Men, Ace of Base, Metallica, Enigma, Queen, UB40 etc.

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There are several artists named Drop: 1. Drop: Russ Stevens (vocals); Patrick Davey, Jimmy Haboush (guitar); Andy Smith (bass guitar); Jamie Little (drums). Evolution. Survival of the fittest. Call it what you will, but there are often concrete reasons why some bands make it and some bands don’t. The best rock bands make memorable, compelling music, put on live shows that leave their fans speechless, and handle their business like it matters. Chicago’s DROP is one of those bands.

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There seem to be more than 1 artists that go by the name of Morrigan 1. A German Black Metal band, formed by ex-members of Mayhemic Truth. See here for the band's biography.
2. A Japanese solo artist who works with the "WAVE" doujin circle. Mainly produces arranges.
3. A German (Fulda, Hesse) Melodic Power Metal band formed in 1997,now split-up.(
4. A vocal trio from Seattle specializing in nautical songs.

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Max Steiner

Max Steiner was an Austrian composer who achieved legendary status as the creator of hundreds of classic American film scores. As a child he was astonishingly musically gifted, composing complex works as a teenager and completing the course of study at Vienna's Hochschule fuer Musik und Darstellende Kunst in only one year, at the age of sixteen. He studied under Gustav Mahler and, before the age of twenty, made his living as a conductor and as composer of works for the theater, the concert hall, and vaudeville.

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There are 2 artists named Wonder: 1. Wonder, arranger from the OrangeCoffee circle. 2. Wonder AKA DJ Wonder is a UK Grime DJ/Producer & is a former member of Roll Deep. In 2001, while attending a business course, one of Wonder’s lessons was cancelled. Bored, he went round to a DJ friend’s house and started dabbling on the decks. Nine hours later, his DJ career began. Wonder soon abandoned aspirations towards a career in business and started to study music technology instead. He soon hooked up with future Roll Deep members Wiley and Danny Weed.

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There are at least two musical acts named Splice 1. Alias of Omni Trio 2. One half of swedish Techno duo Skudge releasing solo stuff. 3. Splice is a Jazz Quartet consisting of:
Robin Fincker – tenor sax / clarinet
Alex Bonney – trumpet / electronics
Pierre-Alexandre Tremblay – bass / electronics
Dave Smith – drums
They play a mixture of contemporary jazz, free improv, loud and soft noise, punk grit, ambient music, and more… with seamless blends or blunt juxtapositions.

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