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heavenly voices


For the San Francisco-based Kill Rock Stars band, see The Lies Lies is a four piece band from Alkmaar, Holland. Their band name is a Dutch girlsname and a part of the human body (the inner thigh). It is pronounced "Leas" with a sharper S then usual in English. Their music found life in 2002, the leadsinger appeared in 2003. From that moment on they kept exploring their music and style.
Lies incorperates a variety of rockstyles in their music. From oldschool rock 'n roll to postrock.

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There are at least four artists with this name:
1) DIA (디아) is a South Korean female singer. 2) DIA is a finnish modern rock band from Jyväskylä, Finland. It was founded in 2005 and so far has released demos and an LP fully downloadable from their website: http://www.ilta.fi 3) Integration is the new, self-released album by Dia (Shawn Brice and Maria Azevedo of Battery.) What began as a one-time project by has developed into an ongoing musical endeavor: written, recorded and produced by two members of the band that brought you such memorable albums as Aftermath, Distance and nv.

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(For the Japanese jazz-punk fusion band formed in Osaka, see ミドリ.) There is more than one artist under this name: 1. Midori Goto (五嶋みどり, Gotou Midori, born on October 25, 1971 in Osaka, Japan) is a Japanese violinist.
She is known in music circles as one of the most brilliant and exciting violinists of our time.
Usually referred to simply as Midori (she dropped the surname in response to the dissolution of her parents' marriage), she was first taught the violin by her mother, Setsu Goto, who discovered her daughter's innate musicality at the age of two...

Read more about Midori on Last.fm.

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www.myspace.com/andreasagiannitopoulos | www.andreasagiannitopoulos.com Participation at the Royksopp remix competition of the track "tricky-tricky".
http://royksopp.com & http://soundcloud.com/agiannitopoulos
Also made a video clip for the remix, you can watch it at http://youtube.com/agiannitopoulos The track "Cause I'm not sorry" included in Cafe Del Mar vol.XVI. In i-tunes and soon in stores. (released 2009) AND ONLY HERE YOU CAN LISTEN THE ORIGINAL VERSION. The track "Piano Dream" is included in the Buddha Bar Vol.11 compilation (released 2009).

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Lisa Gerrard

Lisa Gerrard (born April 12, 1961) is an Irish-Australian musician, singer and composer who gained international renown as part of the music group Dead Can Dance together with Brendan Perry. Her career spans from 1981 to the present, and she has been involved in a wide range of projects. Gerrard received a Golden Globe award and her score for the 2000 film Gladiator received an Academy Award nomination. She both sings and is instrumentalist for much of her work, most prolifically using the (a Chinese hammered dulcimer).

Read more about Lisa Gerrard on Last.fm.

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Leaves' Eyes

Leaves' Eyes is a band with elements from Stavanger, Norway and Ludwigsburg, Germany. The band assembled in 2003, shortly before singer Liv Kristine was fired from Theatre of Tragedy. Leaves' Eyes currently consists of Liv Kristine (female vocals), Alexander Krull (male vocals, programming), Sander van der Meer (guitars), Thorsten Bauer (guitars/Bass), and Roland Navratil (drums & percussion). Former members include Martin Schmidt (drums, left in 2004), Chris Lukhaup (bass, left in 2007), and Moritz Neuner (drums, left in 2007).

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Internal Bleeding

Internal Bleeding are pioneers of the style of death metal called "slam", based in Long Island, New York. Their sound has paved the way for a whole generation of death metal and death-core bands who put heavy, groove laden riffs in the forefront of their music. Internal Bleeding was formed in 1991 with a short-lived original lineup of guitarist Chris Pervelis, bassist Tom Slobowski, vocalist Brian Richards, drummer Bill Tolley, and guitarist Anthony Miola; Slobowski and Richards were quickly replaced by John Colucco and Eric Wigger, respectively.

Read more about Internal Bleeding on Last.fm.

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Daemonia Nymphe

Daemonia Nymphe (Δαιμόνια Νύμφη) is a band established in Athens in 1994 by Spyros Giasafaki and Evi Stergiou. The band's music is modeled after and is often categorized as ethereal, neoclassical, neofolk or gothic.
Daemonia Nymphe uses authentic instruments, including lyra, varvitos, krotala, pandoura and double flute, which are made by the Greek master Nicholas Brass. Their shows are very theatrical, with members wearing masks and ancient dress. Their lyrics are drawn from Orphic and Omeric hymns and Sappho's poems for Zeus and Hekate.

Read more about Daemonia Nymphe on Last.fm.

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