Slamming Brutal Death Metal | Musicosity

Slamming Brutal Death Metal


There are mutliple artist with this name: 1) Fleshrot is a english brutal death metal band from Sutton, London. They formed in 2000. 2) Fleshrot is an american band from Pennsylvania. They played hard, thrashing and solid death metal, influenced by the floridan movement. They formed in 1995 and broke up in 1999 after disputs with the distrobution of their music and musical direction of the band.

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Embryonic Depravity

Embryonic Depravity started life in the final months of 2006, when the London, UK based band then known as 'Odium Incarnate' decided to take a different approach to their music, with shorter, more technical songs and an increased level of brutality. The band went on to release a 2 track demo in February 2007 which met great feedback from those it was exposed to and led the band onto a handfull of good gigs in the UK.

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Kastrated is a brutal death metal from Burnley, UK. They formed in the year 2004 by Chris (Vocals), Tom (Guitar), Kenny B (Guitar), Al (Bass) and Smith (Drums, with Reth) and released a demo a year later called "The putrid stench of cum filled infants". The band have also toured with bands such as Ingested, Crepitation,
In Memory of Sophie and other local bands from the UK. This was after the 3-way split release called "North-west Slam Fest" released in 2007 by Grindethic Records.

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Septycal Gorge

Septycal Gorge is a brutal death metal from Italy. They formed in summer 2004 by Diego (Guitars) and Mariano (Vocals), after a week Dave (Drums) joined. However, there were alot of changes in the coming months and year, with Alex, Giampaolo, Damien all showing their time in the bass position and Marco (Guitars). Then the line up finally found stability with Dario (Guitars), Maurizio (Bass), Diego (Guitars) and Mariano (Vocals).

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Human Parasite

In the beginning, Human Parasite was the Trash’s one man project (bass and vocals) which was technical brutal death style. After some compositions and attempts, this project fizzled out. After a long moment, H.P sees the light again during summer 2008 with a real line up compacted of:
Jay: Guitars -(also guitar player in Rising Purge (death metal)).
Tchang: Drums -(also drummer in Blood Taste (brutal death), ex Evict (death metal)).

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Tools Of Torture

Tools Of Torture is a brutal death metal band from Italy. The band was formed in 2006 by Genobile (Vocals, Bestial Devastation), Lord Destroyer (also in Bestial Devastation) on guitars, Impure (Bass) and Tamoth (Drums, also in Putrid Carnage, Obscura Nox Hibernis). The band play hard blasting brutal death metal in the style of Cropment, Septycal Gorge and Cerebral Incubation. They recorded a promo in 2007 at Alien Recording Studio in Italy in spring 2007, this made them raving reviews and got a deal with Despise The Sun Records which made tours with them in 2008.

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