The Vasco Era
Melbourne band The Vasco Era features vocalist and guitarist Sid O
Melbourne band The Vasco Era features vocalist and guitarist Sid O
After walking away from huge hype and a major label deal in 1999, disappearing completely, UK's Merz (Conrad Lambert to his mum) returned in 2005 with his 2nd album, the critically lauded, Loveheart (released by UK indie Gronland Records). His third album, Moi et Mon Camion (released by Gronland in March 2008), produced the same kind of acclaim from all corners with its mixture of beautiful balladeering, heartfelt tunes, intricate production and a display of Merz
Ten Typ Mes, also known as Mes (real name Piotr Szmidt) is a Polish hip-hop artist born in 1982 in Warsaw, Poland. He started out his musical career as a member of Flexxip, at first a four member band and later on only Mes and Emil Blef. His first appearances on productions are connected to "Muzyka Klasyczna" by Pezet, "Al-hub" by Red and vinyl compilations where he appeared with Flexxip and 2cztery7. An important moment in his career was an appearance on Kodex by Magiera and L.A. together with Emil Blef (as Flexxip) and Pezet.
In 2010 New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys joined together to form super-boyband NKOTBSB. They first performed together on the American Music Awards and have a tour coming in 2011. "Don't Turn Out the Lights" is the first single released by the super group, which went on air for the first time on Ryan Seacrest's show. The single will be released on a greatest hits collection CD in May, having 5 hits from each group. As on now, the single is available on iTunes.
Charles Spearin, founding member of Do Make Say Think, Broken Social Scene and K.C. Accidental released his debut album, The Happiness Project, on Feb. 14, 2009. The Happiness Project mixes music with spoken interviews which Spearin conducted on persons living in his own neighborhood. A theme throughout each interview is the subject of happiness. According to the album's liner notes, after the interviews Spearin would listen to the playback "for moments that were interesting in both meaning and melody," Spearin wrote.
Bella Morte (Italian for "beautiful death") is a gothic band that was formed in 1996 in Charlottesville, Virginia by Andy Deane and Gopal Metro. Their music incorporates elements of metal, darkwave, deathrock, alternative, and synthpop. By combining electronics, graveyard ballads, emotive storytelling and unique guitar riffs, Bella Morte have developed a style that is solely their own, which is aided by the talents of Andy Deane, who studied opera for five years to strengthen his vocal capabilities.
There are two musical groups called The Wellingtons: 1. An Australian power-pop group.
2. An American folk group - -
1. The Wellingtons (power-pop) Australia’s The Wellingtons continue to inject all that is cute, smart, and sweet into their crafted up-beat power pop tunes. It’s the sound that’s brought them devoted fans in the U.S, Canada and Spain and major success in Japan where their first two albums have not only sold strongly but led the band to tour live houses, packed with smiling fans in many of their major cities.
Copacabana Club is an indie dance-rock band from Curitiba, Brazil, started by three guys (Rafa, Tile, and Alec) and two chicks (Caca and Claudia) in 2007. The band blends indie rock with a twist of Brazilian music, crafting catchy melodies. All their songs are in English. Band members: Alec Ventura: vocals / guitars / synths
Caca V: vocals / synths
Claudia Bukowski: drums
Rafa Martins: guitars
Tile Douglas: bass