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Die Laughing

UPDATE: Die Laughing reformed in 2012 to celebrate their 20th Anniversary. On the 8th May it was announced that Die Laughing would be touring with The March Violets on a selection of key UK dates in June 2012, before beginning work on a new album. More information: -----------------
History Die Laughing are mainly remembered for their input to the 90s Goth scene but their roots go much further back into the 1980s.

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... is a black metal band, started in 2007 as international project, the group in now located in Parma, Italy, with only Italian members.
Since their formation, they have released a demo, a full-length and two split albums. Discography
2007 - Suffering Existence (demo)
2009 - Somebody Save Me (full-length)
2011 - Cold Journey Through Madness (split with Dead and Vidharr)
2012 - The Path Toward Forgetfulness (split with Shyy) Members
Current line-up:
Lateliis - vocals, lyrics
Gabriel - clean vocals, lyrics

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Degradead took their chance and went down to Gothenburg and recorded their debut "Til Death Do Us Apart" in IF Studios. The album was produced by a team calling themselves H.O.R.D.E, mixed and engineered by Björn Gelotte and co-engineered by Jesper Strömblad and Daniel Svensson. Result of the recordings is a piece of finding the perfect balance between , and catchy melodies, with their already very own signature.

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Mono Inc.

Martin Engler - Vocals
Katha Mia - Drums, Vocals
Carl Fornia - Guitar, Vocals
Manuel Antoni - Bass, Vocals Mono Inc. rose from the ashes of several band projects, the frustrations of being forced into unwelcome directions by major record labels and the fervent wish to make uncompromising music. Founder members were Martin Engler, mastermind and songwriter, Carl Fornia and Miky Mono. In 2003 Manuel Antoni joined the band on bass guitar and also as a sound designer.

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In his past lives, PIG was Lord Raymond Watts, known variously as Raymond Scaballero in Foetus, an icy addition to Psychic TV, a savage PA destroyer in Einstürzende Neubauten, and a founding catalyst of KMFDM. Watts began his arrest record in London where he was most likely pissed off about something and doing sound manipulations, loops and live sound for Psychic TV. He soon crashed into Einstürzende Neubauten (probably in a strip bar) and escaped the smug complacency of the English music scene by moving to Hamburg...

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The Floor

There are three bands by the name of the Floor. One is a band based in Dundee, Scotland. Another is from Edmonton, Alberta foursome The Floor released a series of LP's and EP's culminating with Personnel, an extension of the band's flirtation with noise rock like Ride and the dance rock of Interpol and bands of that ilk. The band are on again off again, although they are opening for Trans Am in a few weeks, indicating the shoegazers are indeed on again. Floor is a sludge metal band from florida on no idea records and now has members in Torche

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There is more than one band with this name. 1. Lowlife was a Scottish post-punk/dream pop band, active from 1985 to 1997. Although never obtaining mainstream popularity, they developed a cult following that continues to this day. Early years: Pre-Lowlife Dead Neighbours was an early-1980s psychobilly band from Grangemouth, Scotland, originally consisting of Craig Lorentson (vocals), David Steel (bass), Ronnie Buchanan (guitar) , and Grant McDowall (drums).

Read more about Lowlife on

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