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trash metal

Channel Zero

Channel Zero is a Belgian metal band. Franky DSVD (current project: Skitsoy), Xavier Carion (current project: Sons of Jonathas), Tino DeMartino and Phil B. came together in Brussels (Belgium) in 1990. They started 'Channel Zero', inspired on the 'Public Enemy' song 'She Watch Channel Zero'. In August 1997 Channel Zero anounced the split of the band. Meanwhile they had produced five albums: Channel Zero (1992), Stigmatized... (1993), Unsafe (1994), Black Fuel (1997) and a live album Channel Zero Live (1997) which contained a recording of their gig at Marktrock Leuven in 1997.

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Fuck Off

There are mutliple artists with this name: 1) Fuck Off is a split-up Spanish band formed in 1986. They have two full length releases: Another Sacrifice and Hell On Earth. After Hell On Earth the band split-up in 1991. Josep Casas moved to a thrash band called Barbarian.

2) Fuck Off is a swedish constellation with Stefan Sundström, Johan Johansson & Guld-Lars (both from the Swedish punk band KSMB), Pappa Mats and maybe some other members.

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Group was established in the U.K in April 2010. The oficial father of this iniciative was the ex -founder and the bass guitarist of the bands: Extinct Gods (Death Metal,Wrocław,Poland) and Infernum (Black Metal,Wrocław,Poland)-Michael Adamus.
Our band is a very powerfull musice mixture of : Black,Death and Power Metal, which is inspired by the old slavic history,religion and culture of the dark-pagan Miedieveal Times....
Our music is inspired by bands like : Death,Rotting Christ,Children of Bodom,Amon Amarth,Thy Worshiper,Arch Enemy,Sabaton,Kataklysm,Eluveite,Inflame​s.....

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There are atleast 3 artists with this name;
(1) Formed in 1985 in Preston, Lancashire, British thrashers Xentrix (pronounced Zen-tricks) began their careers by playing metal covers before focusing all of their efforts on coming up with original material. Initially known as Sweet Vengeance, guitarist/vocalist Chris Astley, guitarist Kristian Havard, drummer Dennis Gasser and bassist Paul Mackenzie created enough of a stir through their live performances that the English branch of Roadrunner Records took notice and signed the group in January 1989.

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There are 2 metal bands with this name: A greek (Progressive Death Metal) and a portuguese (Thrascore/Melodeath Metal) one. 1) Greek one:
They were formed in 2004 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The line-up consists of G. Chionidis (drums), N. Parastatidis (guitars), P. Bouklis (guitars), T. Deligiannidis (vocals) and A. Roditis (bass). They have released a demo in 2006 entitled This Suffering. Zero Tolerance (UK) magazine awarded them the Demo of the Issue (September/October 2006) and Metal Hammer (GR) magazine awarded them the Demo of the Month (July 2007).

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Turbo is a metal band. It was started in January 1980 by Henryk Tomczak (formerly in Stress and Heam, both pioneering groups). The first line-up were formed by Wojciech Hoffmann – guitar, Wojciech Anioła – drums and Wojciech Sowula – vocals. Soon a single was released, the tracks being W środku tej nocy (Deep in the Night) and Byłem z tobą tyle lat (So many years with you).

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There are five bands using this name: 1) A / one man band from Malta. Sauron composes all of the music for Apotheosis. Although the band was formed in autumn of 1993, it wasn't until 2002 that Sauron released a full length, the four track epic Farthest From The Sun. 2) A two piece band from Toledo, Ohio. Their first album, 'Husk', was self-released in 2011 and they are currently (9/12) completing their second release, 'Bane'.

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