catalan | Musicosity


Fuck Off

There are mutliple artists with this name: 1) Fuck Off is a split-up Spanish band formed in 1986. They have two full length releases: Another Sacrifice and Hell On Earth. After Hell On Earth the band split-up in 1991. Josep Casas moved to a thrash band called Barbarian.

2) Fuck Off is a swedish constellation with Stefan Sundström, Johan Johansson & Guld-Lars (both from the Swedish punk band KSMB), Pappa Mats and maybe some other members.

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Mishima is a Catalan indie pop band from Barcelona. Their music is influenced by artists as Magnetic Fields and The Divine Comedy. After a surprising debut in 2000, Lipstick traces, all in English, and then The fall of the public man in 2003 where they introduced the catalan language including three songs written in Catalan. In 2005 they published Trucar a casa. Recollir les fotos. Pagar la multa, where 11 of the 12 tracks are sung in Catalan.

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Berri Txarrak

Berri Txarrak was formed in 1994. Coming from the Basque Country, they have released 6 records, with a constant evolution that mixes alternative rock, energy, punk, hardcore, metal and some amazing melodies. Singing in euskera (basque language), Berri Txarrak has become one of the best rock bands within the Spanish State's panorama. Their last two albums, called "Libre©" and "Jaio. Musika. Hil" were praised as best 'Spanish' (here meaning produced in Spain...

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London-born and Vienna-based musician SOHN drops The Wheel EP in November 5th, 2012 via new label Aesop.
S O H N has created a sound that blends his haunting vocal stylings with a backdrop of analogue drum machines and synths, mixing the worlds of old and new together to create a foundation for his tracks. Aside from emphasising the soulfulness of his voice, S O H N's lyrics play upon the space that exists within language, twining his vocals around the gaps between sentences, and reclaiming the importance of words.

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Refree es el alter ego de Raül Fernandez (Ex-Corn Flakes, ex-Sitcom, líder de Élena y periodista musical), uno de los personajes más inquietos de nuestra escena independiente. En 2002 publicó su álbum de debut "Quitamiedos". En Francia fue elegido por la exigente revista Magic! dentro de los 20 mejores discos internacionales del año, y Les Inrockuptibles destacó su espíritu lírico y preciosista. En Norteamérica...

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