Spanish Rock | Musicosity

Spanish Rock


There are multiple artists that go by the name Goma. 1) GOMA is a Jungle Music producer and pioneering Japanese didgeridoo player. In the 1998 Arnhemland Barunga Didgeridoo Competition (judged by Galarrwuy Yunupingu), Goma received a prize, surprising audiences by being the first non-Aboriginal to be recognized. Since that time, as a solo player, session musician, and band member, he has steadily increased his audience by consistently striving to innovate and expand his musical horizons.

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There are at least five artists on Last FM tagged with the name Revolver. Please note that this is an incorrect tag for the Spanish act Revólver . If this artist appears in your charts, do and yourself a favour. Fix your artist tags! 1) Revolver (UK) were a London based guitar band in existence from 1990-1994, comprising of Mat Flint (guitar/vocals), Hamish Brown (bass) and Nick Dewey (drums). Flint and Dewey had been in school bands together, and when the two moved to London in the autumn of 1990 met Brown who completed the line-up.

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Spanish pop/rock foursome Hombres G was formed by ex-los Residuos guitarist Daniel Mezquita, drummer Javier Molina, and singer/bassist David Summers, soon joined by guitarist Rafael Gutierrez. The band's name was based on an American movie called G-Men. Hombres G made its live debut at Madrid's Rockola, recording a demo called Milagro En El Congo in 1984. They soon signed up to the independent label Twins to make their debut album, featuring a catchy song called "Devuelveme A Mi Chica," which became their first hit.

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At least five bands have used the name "Akasha." The first was a Norwegian spacey, electronic prog band, who recorded one album in 1977. For more information on the band, visit The second Akasha is a Swedish group consisting of five women. The group was inspired by Sri Chinmoy's poetry and songs, and started to sing and play together in 1982. Since then the group has been giving concerts in Sweden regularly and has also been on tours in Finland, France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

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1)Temple is a very underground band from Cologne (Germany). The second wave of krautrock, like PATER NOSTER, SIDDHARTA etc..., let's consider them a "space rock" band with funk, pre-doom and proto-punk elements. The music, full of mellotron, moog, organ, guitar fuzz... - Joachim Weiss / Bass
- Otto Bretnacher / Drums & percurssions
- Heinz Kramer , Rolf Foller / Guitars
- Zeus B. Held / Organ & keyboards
- Poseidon / vocals
- Pauline Fund / Vocals, Tambourine

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Two bands with the name "Transfer": --- Transfer is a band based locally in San Diego, California. The group consists of Card ("pick"), Cooper ("pound"), Jerome ("pluck") and Matt ("voices"). Their most famous song is "Waltz", which was broadcast on a number of radio stations. For more information, tour dates, and the like, visit --- Spanish rock band from Valencia.

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The Fleshtones

Often tagged as garage-rock revivalists, the Fleshtones mix the fuzz-guitar and Farfisa organ sounds of that genre with rockabilly, '50s and '60s R&B, and surf into a potent retro stew the group likes to call "Super Rock." The group formed in 1976 in Queens with vocalist/keyboardist Peter Zaremba, guitarist Keith Streng, bassist Jan Marek Pukulski, and drummer Bill Milhizer and aimed to return rock and roll to the simplicity and unself-consciousness of the '50s and early-'60s. (The group was often joined on-stage and in the studio by sax player Gordon Spaeth, who passed on in 2005.

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