Stainless is a band out of Aarhus, Denmark. Check out
Stainless is a band out of Aarhus, Denmark. Check out
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Turbo is a polish metal band. It was started in January 1980 by Henryk Tomczak (formerly in Stress and Heam, both pioneering polish hard rock groups). The first line-up were formed by Wojciech Hoffmann – guitar, Wojciech Anioła – drums and Wojciech Sowula – vocals. Soon a single was released, the tracks being W środku tej nocy (Deep in the Night) and Byłem z tobą tyle lat (So many years with you).
There is at least five bands called Kruk.
1. black metal band from Belarus.
2. Polish black thrash metal band.
3. heavy metal band from USA.
4. heathen pagan black metal band from Lviv, Ukraine.
5. post-rock band from Rome, Italy.