polish heavy metal | Musicosity

polish heavy metal


Heavy/thrash metal band from Poland. Formed in 2002. At the beginning their music was inspired by classic heavy metal bands like Judas Priest, Annihilator, Black Sabbath etc.
They recorded two demos and one single until early 2007. Then they changed their lead singer from Paweł Kluczewski to Klaudia Kozień. On January 12th, 2008 they release their firt full-length record Forward, which contains some former demo tunes but also brand new songs.
Born To Krush - Demo 2003
Keep On Krushin' - Demo 2004

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Turbo is a metal band. It was started in January 1980 by Henryk Tomczak (formerly in Stress and Heam, both pioneering groups). The first line-up were formed by Wojciech Hoffmann – guitar, Wojciech Anioła – drums and Wojciech Sowula – vocals. Soon a single was released, the tracks being W środku tej nocy (Deep in the Night) and Byłem z tobą tyle lat (So many years with you).

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