apocalyptic folk | Musicosity

apocalyptic folk

Daemonia Nymphe

Daemonia Nymphe (Δαιμόνια Νύμφη) is a band established in Athens in 1994 by Spyros Giasafaki and Evi Stergiou. The band's music is modeled after and is often categorized as ethereal, neoclassical, neofolk or gothic.
Daemonia Nymphe uses authentic instruments, including lyra, varvitos, krotala, pandoura and double flute, which are made by the Greek master Nicholas Brass. Their shows are very theatrical, with members wearing masks and ancient dress. Their lyrics are drawn from Orphic and Omeric hymns and Sappho's poems for Zeus and Hekate.

Read more about Daemonia Nymphe on Last.fm.

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Angel Deradoorian is mostly known for her role in the Dirty Projectors, she's made a few of her solo recordings available for download online. According to her MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/angelderadoorian): "I'm trying something new. Still using garageband. Sounds better in headphones. Bands I play in: Dirty Projectors, Secret Surprise and the Latter Day Saints, Inlets, Mature Women, Fleetwood Mac."

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Kirlian Camera

Kirlian Camera was founded by the keyboardist/vocalist Angelo Bergamini in Parma, Italy in Spring 1980. The band really was born in 1979, called Suicide Commando, but this name was dropped for the existence of a namesake band. So, when Bergamini started to interest to paranormal phenomena, he knew about a special device invented by Semion Kirlian to take photos of the aura of the human body and from this took the name of the group, suggested by Mauro Montacchini.

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Comets On Fire

Comets on Fire are a band from Santa Cruz, California. The band was formed in 1999 by guitarist and vocalist Ethan Miller and longtime friend bassist Ben Flashman, who were seeking to create rhythmically and sonically intense music that paid no attention to categorizations. The band's self-titled debut was released in 2001 and eventually issued on the Alternative Tentacles label. Recorded on a four-track, it was a garage/psych freakout of intense if not epic proportions.

Read more about Comets On Fire on Last.fm.

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Boyd Rice

Boyd Rice (born 1957) is an American experimental sound artist, archivist, actor, photographer, prankster and writer best known for his pioneering industrial noise music under the name Non and Boyd Rice and Friends. he has collaborated with numerous artists. For a WEALTH of info, see Boyd's official website at http://www.boydrice.com

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Crime & the City Solution

Crime & the City Solution were a rock group headed by Australian singer/songwriter Simon Bonney and active between the years of 1977-1991. Despite roots dating back as far as 1978, Crime & the City Solution did not truly emerge until 1984, coming to life in the wake of the dissolution of the seminal Birthday Party. Crime & the City Solution had many members over the years, which can be divided into four distinct line-ups: Sydney in 1977-78, Melbourne in 1979, and two groupings in Berlin. The only common member in all four line-ups was Bonney.

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While Angels Watch

Active, and inactive, since 1985... WHILE ANGELS WATCH is the musical project of singer/songwriter Dev, an early member of post-punk act Flowers in the Dustbin and Patrick Leagas’ Sixth Comm. Less known is another post-punk band that he wrote and sang for in the early 1980's, Tom's Midnight Garden (TMG)... in association with Infrastition records the complete studio work of this band has been digitally remastered and will be released around Yule 2010.

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There are at least 6 bands / projects named Sleepers: 1. Sleepers is the recording and performance project of Silas Ciarán and Amanda Boutourline. It began as a solo outlet for Ciarán in early 2004, and was at this time geared towards Black and Doom Metal with flecks of ambient. It is now a full fledged crossover project, incorporating many different sources into one heap of sound. 2. Sleepers was a progressive new wave rock band from Gold Coast, Australia. They have changed their name to Awaken I Am.

Read more about Sleepers on Last.fm.

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Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio rose from the ashes of Archon Satani in May 1993 as founding member Tomas Pettersson apperceived the desire to canalize his remaining creativity through the aesthetic portrayal of the undivided spiritual and intellectual kinship between Light and Dark, Life and Death, Male and Female, Love and Hate, Beauty and Depravity, War and Peace

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