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wanna see live

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio rose from the ashes of Archon Satani in May 1993 as founding member Tomas Pettersson apperceived the desire to canalize his remaining creativity through the aesthetic portrayal of the undivided spiritual and intellectual kinship between Light and Dark, Life and Death, Male and Female, Love and Hate, Beauty and Depravity, War and Peace

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There are two artists using this name: a Swedish band and a German / band. 1. Hel is a band from Sweden which in the beginning was tied to Ultima Thule's record label, and later they produced their music through their own label, Peanut Music AB. The group, which consists of Malin Pettersson (vocal), Ulrica Pettersson (vocal), Esa Rosenstr

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The Gauss Experience

The small red lamp throws warm light on the keys of the organ. The man with horn-rimmed spectacles holds an electric guitar. The gentle melody that he plays seems dreamy, as if taken from a children's book. Another man adds a slightly dismal mood with the deep notes he draws from his instrument. Still it feels strangely comfortable. The ambience seems intimate, as if you could slightly identify with it. Just until the third man batters his drums.

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