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power electronics

Damien Dubrovnik

Formed in 2009, Damien Dubrovnik is the Danish electronic duo of Christian Stadsgaard (Sarah’s Charity) and Loke Rahbek (Sexdrome, Var, Lust For Youth), founders of the Copenhagen based record label Posh Isolation. In their day job as label managers, Stadsgaard and Rahbek have been instrumental in establishing the city’s prolific and exciting noise / punk community and outgrowing their humble beginnings in noise / industrial culture by attracting a cult / fanatical worldwide following of obsessive record hoarders, hipster bloggers, depressive punks and industrial maniacs.

Read more about Damien Dubrovnik on Last.fm.

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There is more than one artist with this name. 1) MB is an alias used by italian noise musician Maurizio Bianchi. 2) MB is an indie singer/songwriter whose album One Way Undone displays his recent changes in life and his views on the situation and self-acceptance. The album is his most personal yet lyrically and musically more consistant than his previous CD Anonymous. Features the two singles Evolve and Julien. His most recent album, Sneakers On A Telephone Wire, was released in 2007 under the name Mich

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Con-Dom is the power electronics project of Mike Dando, which was founded on 1st August 1983. Renowned for it's harsh intensity Con-Dom utilises sound, image, and text, in the delivery of it's wall of noise. While Con-Dom has released a number of albums it is in the live arena that the Con-Dom experience really comes into it's own. The name Con-Dom is a shortened form of "Control-Domination", which is the major theme of the entire Con-Dom output. All aspects of control, domination, and manipulation are covered including mass media, religion and politics.

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There are multiple artists with this name:
1) Grunt was formed in Finland in spring 1993 to create hard audio filth. After more than 10 years of activity, it is still going strong. Various styles of noise electronics is always hammered with such pressure, it usually transforms into known grunt-noise, even if new methods are used. Grunt is also known from using strong visuals and lyrics in many of the releases. They represent various moods and approaches and different kinds of topics.

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There are at least 5 artists/bands named Ouroboros: 1) A technical death-thrash metal band from Australia (who changed their name from 'DRED' in 2008)
2) A brutal death metal band from France
3) A dark-esoteric-ambient act from Italy
4) A black metal band from Canada
4) A doom metal band from Pittsburgh, PA

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Militia is the name of at least 7 artists.
1) Militia is a Belgian industrial percussion band. It was founded in 1989 by the multi-instrumentalist Frank Gorissen and wind instrument player Jo Billen and now 6 musicians are involved. The band is known for its use of self made percussion and wind instruments and the scrap material they transform into musical instruments. The band's music is often inspired by the anarchic and atheist social views and their concirn about our natural environment, themes that can be found in most of their lyrics and statements.

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There are at least 6 bands / projects named Sleepers: 1. Sleepers is the recording and performance project of Silas Ciarán and Amanda Boutourline. It began as a solo outlet for Ciarán in early 2004, and was at this time geared towards Black and Doom Metal with flecks of ambient. It is now a full fledged crossover project, incorporating many different sources into one heap of sound. 2. Sleepers was a progressive new wave rock band from Gold Coast, Australia. They have changed their name to Awaken I Am.

Read more about Sleepers on Last.fm.

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