Russia | Musicosity



There are several artists known as SAKURA... 1. SAKURA - Russian indie rock band from Moscow. Official Site: 2. SAKURA - Azeri creative grunge band. Site related: 3. SAKURA - Experimental gothic band reigning from Ireland. Site: 4. SAKURA - former teenage rock band from the Isle of Man (c 2003). Released ep Feeding From The Fruits Of The Sakura Tree. Singer now in Swound!

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KATALEPSY was born in 2004 in Moscow then forefathers played death metal in the other bands and decided to do something new. The first demo FEMICIDE brought the first victims to the altar of brutality. KATALEPSY became stronger and began to foray outside Moscow.
In 2007 they gave birth to their debut full-length MUSICK BRINGS INJURIES and the blood was spilled in the circle pits and mosh-battles all over Russia.

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Elisabeth Leonskaja

Elisabeth Leonskaja (b. November 23, 1945) is a Georgian pianist, born to a Russian family living in Tbilisi, then the capital of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic. She gave her first concert at the age of eleven. In 1964 she began studies in Moscow Conservatory under Jacob Milstein. During her conservatory years she won prizes in competitions in Bucharest, Brussels and Paris.

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Master is the most well-known project of bassist, vocalist, and songwriter Paul Speckmann. They were well known in the early extreme metal underground, being both one of the first death metal bands, and one of the most influential alongside Death in the emerging death metal scene. The band began in 1983, and still exists today, having released several albums with many different lineups. Paul Speckmann started out as bass player in doom band War Cry, where he met up with drummer Bill Schmidt who was drafted in to replace previous War Cry drummer, Joe Laccino.

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There are twelve different artists under this name: 1. Catharsis was an band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, releasing their albums through the CrimethInc. collective. Their singer, Brian, was editor of the political fanzine Inside Front and later went on with other ex-members of Catharsis to form the band Requiem. 2. Catharsis was a French band who released albums during the 1970's. Their first album, "Masq" (1971), was a mixture of formless chanting, hypnotic melodies, prominent percussion, Arabic styles, and experimental songcraft.

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The Oz

Питерская группа "Оркестр ЗАЧЕМ", записала несколько политических и малоизвестных песен Джона Леннона. Сначала планировалась запись этих песен на русском языке, и компания EMI была не против, но когда запись шла к концу, вдруг передумала и запретила их переводить. Пришлось петь их по английски, после этого как-то нелепо было представлять эту программу с русским названием группы, было решено найти удобное для англоязычных слушателей название, которое сложилось из первых букв коллектива, кроме того у Джона есть несколько песен, с похожими названиями: "Do The Oz" и "God Save The Oz". Tags: 
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Kartikeya is a Blackened Death Metal Band with Indian influences (in both lyrics and instrumentation) formed in Moscow, Russia in 2004. On June 22, Kartikeya released their single "The Horrors Of Home" (featuring Keith Merrow & Aleksandra Radosavljevic) from their upcoming album titled "Samudra". Current Lineup:
Mars - Vocals
Arsafes - Guitars, Clean Vocals, Ethnic Instruments
Rinat - Guitars
Alexander - Bass
Alex Smirnov - Drums
Dmitriy - Percussion

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There are at least 2 Artists called 'Maksim'
(1) A Croation Pianist
(2) A Hip-Hop MC from Britain (1) Maksim is a Croation pianist, for the Russian singer see ???S??. Maksim was born in Croatia, Sibenik, a small, but beautiful medieval town on Croatias Adriatic Coast, the odds seemed stacked against Maksim achieving his dream.
His mother Slavica and father Karmel knew nothing about classical music (even now they still prefer to listen to pop music on the radio).

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