Slamming death metal | Musicosity

Slamming death metal


KATALEPSY was born in 2004 in Moscow then forefathers played death metal in the other bands and decided to do something new. The first demo FEMICIDE brought the first victims to the altar of brutality. KATALEPSY became stronger and began to foray outside Moscow.
In 2007 they gave birth to their debut full-length MUSICK BRINGS INJURIES and the blood was spilled in the circle pits and mosh-battles all over Russia.

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There are two bands and one solo artist named Outlander: 1) Techno/rave legend from the 90's. 2) Progressive rock band from Wisconsin. Outlander consists of three brothers who have played music together for over 20 years. Blending classic rock influences with newer progressive rock and metal and many others, they have a created a sound uniquely their own. Chris Walczak has vocals and plays bass guitar, Marty Walczak on the drums/percussion, and Scott Walczak with guitars.

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Pighead is a band from Germany. They formed in 2007 by Denny H.(Guitars) and Robert A. (Drums). They were joined by Morten W. (Vocals) and Robert S. (Bass) to complete the line up. They released a demo in 2007 called "Demo 2007" with this line up playing standard death metal with slam breakdowns. The group expanded on their sound by adding an additional full time vocalist in the form of Martin R.

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The Juliet Massacre

The Juliet Massacre is a band from Italy. The band was formed by aNTOMEGA (Vocals) and PeLLe (Drums) in april, 2006. Soon after they aquired GiuBBino (Bass), Losk (Guitars) and
. The band has influences from death metal, metalcore and deathcore to bring together the Italian strain of deathcore. They fuse together the deep growls with screams of the vocalist, the raging guitars with fluttering solos and the furious drums with breakdowns perfectly executed.

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