neo-folk | Musicosity


Rosa Crux

A martial and apocalyptic atmosphere! The band brings us directly to the heart of things. Obsessional, never brutal, Rosa Crvx explore the questions of life and death, of the anguishes and the human's fears. They face the darkness; at the edge of the abyss, their steps progress on an unknown way which exists in the dark and opens to the light when we understand that the only solution is in the acceptance of mysteries. Rosa Crvx reached us down in the depths of the soul...

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Sol Invictus

Sol Invictus is an English neofolk and neoclassical group fronted by Tony Wakeford.
Wakeford founded Sol Invictus in order to pursue his own musical ideas. He was an original member of Crisis and Death in June with Douglas P.. He formed Sol Invictus in 1987, working with Ian Read and Karl Blake. He has been the sole constant of the group, as it continues to bring forth new forms and conceptions.

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Volcano Choir

Volcano Choir is an American indie band that started as a collaboration between Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver) and Collections of Colonies of Bees. Their debut album is Unmap and was released on September 22, 2009. It reached number 92 on the Billboard Top 200 chart. A second album, Repave, was released on September 3, 2013.
The project originally came together with songs being written in 2005. It was not recorded until the fall of 2008 in Fall Creek, Wisconsin, USA.

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Omnia may refer to several artists, here listed in order of popularity on 1. Omnia is a self-described "neoceltic pagan folk" band based in The Netherlands and Belgium and whose members are Irish, Dutch, Indonesian, English and Belgian. Their traditional music takes on the form of various cultural routes, from places around the world such as Ireland, England and Afghanistan. They sing in Welsh, English, Irish, Breton, Finnish, German, Latin and Hindi and play Celtic harp, mouth harp, hurdy-gurdy...

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Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio rose from the ashes of Archon Satani in May 1993 as founding member Tomas Pettersson apperceived the desire to canalize his remaining creativity through the aesthetic portrayal of the undivided spiritual and intellectual kinship between Light and Dark, Life and Death, Male and Female, Love and Hate, Beauty and Depravity, War and Peace

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Daemonia Nymphe

Daemonia Nymphe (Δαιμόνια Νύμφη) is a band established in Athens in 1994 by Spyros Giasafaki and Evi Stergiou. The band's music is modeled after and is often categorized as ethereal, neoclassical, neofolk or gothic.
Daemonia Nymphe uses authentic instruments, including lyra, varvitos, krotala, pandoura and double flute, which are made by the Greek master Nicholas Brass. Their shows are very theatrical, with members wearing masks and ancient dress. Their lyrics are drawn from Orphic and Omeric hymns and Sappho's poems for Zeus and Hekate.

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