progressive death | Musicosity

progressive death


There are 20 (and counting) acts named Nexus. 1. neXus was an electronica/dance artist located in Columbus, GA. Featuring hard hitting dance tracks, stunning progressive techno beats, and other interesting variations on the electronica genre. Using beats that normally would not fit, neXus finds a way to make them attractive and strangely alluring. neXus released his album at the end of 2010 successfully. Shortly thereafter, neXus's time on this earth came to a sudden somber end. neXus continues to live on through his works of art.

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The Monolith Deathcult

The year is 2013...

The Old Continent is on the brink of total collapse. After two pyrrhic victories the Fifth French Republic groans under the yoke of Berlin at long last, making once proud France the 17th state of Germany. To secure some hope for a sixth French Republic, the French music label Season of Mist has shown remarkable vigour and artistic courage to forge an alliance with the only triple-A rated band in Europe: The Monolith Deathcult (TMDC).

Read more about The Monolith Deathcult on Tags: 
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There's at least two bands that share the same band name: facebook, bandcamp
Hometown Location: London, UK
Genre: Technical Death Metal/Heavy/Deathcore Band Member Lineup
Luke griffin :: Vocals
Jack Simmons :: Guitar
Will Thomson :: Guitar
Sam Bonnett :: Bass
Jake Hadley :: Drums Description
Death metal from the London area. Spread the hate! In medicine, acrania is a partial or complete absence of the cranium.

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Spawn Of Possession

Spawn of Possession is a technical death metal band from Sweden, which consists of Dennis R Tags: 
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Sceptic is a Polish death metal band founded in 1994 by Jacek Hiro (ex-Decapitated, Dies Irae, Virgin Snatch). Marcin Urba? (one of the fastest 200 meter sprinters) handled the vocal duties for the first and the third album (Blind Existence, Unbeliever's Script), but is currently a session member due to his sport career. Weronika Zbieg (Totem, Doctrine X) handled the lead vocal duty on the latest album, Internal Complexity. FB:

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Artist disambiguation:
1) Sadist is an Italian metal band.
2) Sadist is a Japanese doujin music producer who is affiliated with the Strawhat label. The beginning of SADIST takes us back to 1991, when guitarist and keyboards player Tommy and drummer Peso start auditioning musicians for a brand new project. These auditions lead to the first band

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