fusion metal | Musicosity

fusion metal


Alarum: (uh-lar-uhm, uh-lahr-) –noun. “A mechanism that produces awareness”. The Melbourne 4 piece progressive metal band have been just that since forming in 1992, and have been expanding that awareness ever since. But it would be unfair to simply lump them into the vague progressive metal genre, as they blend all forms of metal alongside rock, jazz, latin and fusion. After some early line up chan...

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Fusionmetal - A relatively new and unexplored genre in the world of metal. Exivious isn't an over the top math metal band and certainly isn't a loungy jazz combo either. But expect everything in between! With a jazzfusion backbone Exivious uses freaky metal riffs to decorate their organic eruption of free improvisations and complex rhythms. Guitarist Tymon comments: "We finally managed to transform a vision I had a long time ago into 9 intense and fiery songs. There's an immense amount of information in there that will definitely take more than one spin in your CD player to comprehend!"

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Artist disambiguation:
1) Sadist is an Italian metal band.
2) Sadist is a Japanese doujin music producer who is affiliated with the Strawhat label. The beginning of SADIST takes us back to 1991, when guitarist and keyboards player Tommy and drummer Peso start auditioning musicians for a brand new project. These auditions lead to the first band

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1. A polish progressive rock/metal band. In December 2007 Marcin Kicyk, Jakub Żytecki and Rafal Biernacki met to form a band called DISPERSE. Fascination with artrock, fusion, metal and jazz contributed to setting the project music of which would abstract from common musical patterns and advance listeners’ imagination. During the first half a year of its existence, the band makes four songs and in March Szymon Balicki, drums, joins the band.

Read more about Disperse on Last.fm.

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