acousmatique | Musicosity


Black To Comm

Black To Comm is an alias for Dekorder label owner Marc Richter's audio excursions. Richter creates his music using scratchy shellac and vinyl records, field recordings, a so called "kitchen gamelan," and more traditional instruments like organs, guitars, pianos and mbiras. The layering and hypnotic repetition of short loops from Psychedelia, Free Jazz, Vaudeville, and various other old recordings reveals alternative melodic dimensions not apparent in the source material.

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William Basinski

William Basinski (Houston, 1958), a New York-based classically-trained clarinetist and saxophonist, specializes in compositions for loops and drones. He began experimenting with compositions for piano and tape that created a melancholy ambience via looped and overdubbed melodies with Variations - A Movement in Chrome Primitive (1980), released on Variations - A Movement in Chrome Primitive (Durtro, 2002 - Die Stadt, 2004), and A Red Score in Tile (1979), released on A Red Score in Tile (3 Poplars, 2003).

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There is more than one artist with this name:
1. An experimental band from Japan
2. An American electronica/indie rock band from Detroit, Michigan. 1. Filament, consists of former Ground Zero members Otomo Yoshihide and Sachiko M, two of the defining artists of the music movement. In contrast to the dense, "chopped up", style of Ground Zero, Filament explores minimalist free-improvisation, concerned often with narrow-variations in tone and timbre usually without rhythmic structure or more than the slightest fragments of melody.

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Eric La Casa

1968: Born in Tours, France.
1987-91: Studied history of art (University of La Sorbonne, Paris).
1988: Starting sound experiments. Since 1991: Sound artist. (award: Festival "Soundscape before 2000") - tape music composer
A research based on the landscape, its sound substances, its inner language, within a sensitive listening of the world.
[7 solo CDs, many CDs compilations : Japan, Germany, Taiwan, usa…]
+ Previous releases CD:

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