future jazz | Musicosity

future jazz


There is more than one artist with this name. 1) " Weave is the project of me, Barry Leake, using a combination of computer and various instruments. I've got an album and a 3" ep out on cactus island records, and a track on their 'brittle behaviour' compilation lp. I also have a track on symbolic interactions 'the silence was warm' compilation lp.
Previous collaborations include working with Tui ( orla wren, flung, skin of the tree ) and Phillip White ( helictite and occasional performer with faust ). I am currently collaborating with Gina Berrett ( 11x ) and Leigh Toro ( flotel )

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Thundercat is a pseudonym of Stephen Bruner, a member of legendary s Suicidal Tendencies (since 16 years of age), a protégé of Steven Ellison (aka Flying Lotus), virtuoso bassist, composer, producer and singer. Bruner has collaborated with many, including: a stint with German boy band No Curfew, jams with Snoop Dogg and Stanley Clarke. “I do believe that hip-hop can be the new jazz, and I’m helping create that”, Bruner said in an interview to Bass Player, in 2008.

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Ben Mono

Ben Mono – ambitious multi-player, producer, remixer and in demand DJ from Munich – has built himself a solid reputation in the world of advanced diskotainment during the past years. His debut album "Dual" was praised by critics for being “complex, deep, tight and authentic at the same time” (De:Bug). His tracks can be found constantly on heavy rotation in the playlists of supporters like Dave Clarke, Jazzanova, Funkstörung or Zombie Nation. Finally, after carefully polishing his latest compositions, Ben Mono is about to drop his long awaited sophomore effort: "Hit The Bit".

Read more about Ben Mono on Last.fm.

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1984 on Halloween night and a 4 year-old Kurtis is ready to put on his Go-Bots costume. After exiting the McDonalds drive-in in his father’s Blue Chevet, happy meal in hand, his father turns to him with a grin, “Hey Kurtis, I have something you’re gonna love.” He pops a cassette into the tape player. As Kurtis eyes the illustration and lettering on the cassette cover, his father shares the title of the album, “Who’s Afraid of the Art of Noise”.

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Zespół został założony przez Wojtka Oleksiaka (dr) i Stefana Nowakowskiego (b) w 2008 r. Po kilku próbach, paru koncertach i przeglądach do składu dołączył Michał Załęski (k), a następnie Michał Przerwa – Tetmajer (g). W tymże naszpikowanym muzykami z Wydziału Jazzu na Bednarskiej w Warszawie składzie nagraliśmy swoje drugie demo – efekt do posłuchania powyżej. The band was formed by Wojtek (dr) and Stefan (b) in 2008.

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