old school house artists | Musicosity

old school house artists

Kym Mazelle

Kym Mazelle (born Kimberley Grigsby in 1960, in Gary, Indiana, U.S.) is an American soul music singer. She was brought up and lived on the same street as the Jackson family and knew Michael Jackson's mother and uncle. Early in her career, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, she enjoyed major success in the European house music scene, and performed as a member of Soul II Soul. However she is probably best known as the singer of the cover version of the song "Young Hearts Run Free", in the 1996 Baz Luhrmann film, William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet.

Read more about Kym Mazelle on Last.fm.

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Kraze may reffer to: 1) Kraze
Genre: Speed/Heavy/Power Metal
Country of origin: United States
Location: Reading, Pennsylvania
Year of creation: 1984
Status: Split-up
Last label: Iron Glory Records Discography
Demo /1985
2nd Demo/1986
3rd Demo/1987
4th Demo/1990
Devil In Disguise/CD/2002 Members:
Chris Langley/Bass
Gary Long/Drums
Tim Landis/Guitars
Cory Laity /Vocals and Guitars
Kip Fores/Bass or

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Barbara Tucker

Ms. Barbara Tucker was raised in full energy in good old Brooklyn, New York. Raised in the church and still attending is where Ms. Tucker found her love for singing, as well as having a little help from her entertainer Father Jayotis Washington of the well-known group The Persuasions. As an actress, Ms. Tucker has performed in various off-Broadway plays which allowed her to receive the "T.O.R." award through the American Theater for actors for most promising actress with distinguishing artiste. As a dancer, Ms.

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Boo Williams

Copied from Discogs (http://www.discogs.com/artist/Boo+Williams): Real Name: Willie Griffin Born July 20, 1967 in Chicago, Boo Williams has been a part of the city's house music entourage since 1981. This was when he first stepped up to the turntables and started DJing. Later on in the 1990's, Boo began production and then later remixing in '93. He started out parting on the city's south side soon introduced to Glenn Underground who got him started in music production. Other aliases: Mandrake, Moon Man, Quik Blend Boo, Willie Griffin, Willie Snickers

Read more about Boo Williams on Last.fm.

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Joe Claussell

Joe Claussell has a passion and he wants to share it with you. A modern-day renaissance man, this New York-based re-mixer, retailer, producer, and global DJ is also a prolific business man; one who approaches all his projects with sincerity and intensity; qualities he infuses into everything he touches. In his latest role as owner of Spiritual Life Music, he intends to guide the world to a new way of looking at and listening to world music.

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Chez Damier

Chez Damier has devoted his life to electronic music as a vocalist, DJ, producer, label manager and graphic artist. Splitting his time between Detroit, Chicago and occasionally New York, Chez set up the Music Institute with Derrick May and Alton Miller looked after the business affairs and studio output of Kevin Saunderson's KMS label, and helped countless producers get a start in production. On top of that, he has a kick ass discography of his own...

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