improv | Musicosity


Flower-Corsano Duo

Debut release for this powerhouse hook-up between Mick Flower of Vibracathedral Orchestra and free drummer Chris Corsano. Flower plays a Japan Banjo here, an instrument that’s somewhere between a lap steel and a sitar, with swallowing drones giving way to shredding single note lead work while Corsano speed-thinks his way out of his own skin. Last time I saw these guys play I heard some stunned punter compare em to a fantasy John Cippolina/Andrew Cyrille duo and that isn’t a million miles from the mark.

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Aaron Cohen - Downbeat "Kneebody Creating a New Language" At first, it seems that Kneebody chose a name that intentionally invited anonymity. After speaking to a couple members of the quintet, it becomes clear that they also took a firm stance against presenting a single bandleader. Equally crucial is that they wanted to invent a word that conveys no preconceived musical connotations. "It's a nonsense word that my girlfriend came up with," said saxophonist Ben Wendel. "We wanted a short, memorable word with a nondefinable genre connection.

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Bela Emerson

Improvised, multi-layered electric cello from Brighton, UK. "She makes her instrument speak in tongues" Ed Pinsent, The Sound Projector, November 2008 "Spontaneous music of extreme beauty and power" Venue magazine, September 2007 "A more captivating, physical performance you are not likely to see." Brighton Source, November 2006 "Excellent!" Mark Russell, Mixing It, BBC Radio 3 "My favourite concert: Bela Emerson, Ladyfest Brighton; she touched me so deeply with her cello playing and beautiful, passionate appearance... she got me in tears" Charlotta Kerbs, The Tumbling Dice

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Supersilent is a Norwegian / group from Oslo, Norway, formed in 1997 and signed on Rune Grammofon. The band reportedly never rehearse together or communicate about their music outside of live sets and studio sessions. Supersilent was formed when the trio Veslefrekk (Arve Henriksen on trumpet, keyboardist Ståle Storløkken, and Jarle Vespestad on drums) played a concert with producer, artist and self-described "audio virus" Helge Sten (a.

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Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson is: 1. a cartoonist, illustrator and designer, known for the webcomic ExtraLife.
2. an American composer (born 1952). 1) Scott Blaine Johnson was known for creating and hosting the ExtraLife radio show (ELR), a weekly off-beat, award winning Podcast about comics, movies, music, the Internet, computers and gadgets. They have interviewed noted personalities such as Todd McFarlane and Curt Schilling.

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eric arn
American guitarist Eric Arn and his Primordial Undermind have mined the deepest regions of avant-rock for two decades, producing everything from distorted psychedelic freakouts, through free instrumental music, to pure drones and abstraction. Since moving from Austin, Texas to Vienna, Austria in 2005, Eric frequently performs solo, in duos with Cam Deas, Stefan Kushima (Cruise Family), and Wouter Jaspers (Franz Fyodor), as well as in Tempel Solaire, the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra, and Marco Eneidi's NENUVI Orchestra.

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Flower Corsano Duo

Flower-Corsano Duo consists of Vibracathedral Orchestra's Michael Flower playing electric shaahi baaja, and drummer Chris Corsano. The duo's releases are 7" single The Undisputed Dimension, and full-length LP/CD The Radiant Mirror (both 2007). Flower-Corsano Duo has also played live. Both musicians have played on a large number of other records: Michael Flower has played on records by Vibracathedral Orchestra, Sunroof! (with Matthew Bower), Hototogisu (with Matthew Bower and Marcia Bassett), Skullflower (with Matthew Bower), and under his own name.

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Marshall Allen

A longtime member of The Sun Ra Arkestra, alto saxophonist Marshall Allen later assumed leadership of the group following the departures of Sun Ra and his immediate successor, John Gilmore. He was also a regular collaborator of Babatunde Olatunji, in the process emerging as one of the first jazz musicians to fuse the avant-garde with traditional African music. Allen was born May 25, 1924, in Louisville, KY, beginning clarinet lessons at the age of ten.

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There are several artists using the name Trigger: 1.) Trigger are a rock band (female fronted) from Serbia. They can be found at They have just released their first studio album called 'Ljubav' (Love).
trig•ger I ['trigÁ(r)] n obarac, oroz; cin koji inicira odredjen splet okolnosti to pull a ~ povuci obarac; to cock a ~ zapeti oroz trigger II v tr (colloq.) izazvati, pokrenuti, aktivizirati; to ~ a reaction izazvati reakciju

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A Band

The A Band are a British improvised music collective formed in Nottingham, UK in the late 1980s. In 2005, The Wire magazine stated that "the importance of The A-Band to the UK rock underground is commensurate with the explosive impact that groups like AMM, SME or The People Band had on the free jazz and Improv set. An ever-fluctuating group of artists, dole boys, punk conceptualists and record collectors, they were the first UK ensemble to anchor a free drone music in the muscle and scorch of the most high-energy rock, while keeping it as untutored as the most elemental folk."

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