ysabols nerdcore and world of warcraft metal and world of warcraft | Musicosity

ysabols nerdcore and world of warcraft metal and world of warcraft

Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson is: 1. a cartoonist, illustrator and designer, known for the webcomic ExtraLife.
2. an American composer (born 1952). 1) Scott Blaine Johnson was known for creating and hosting the ExtraLife radio show (ELR), a weekly off-beat, award winning Podcast about comics, movies, music, the Internet, computers and gadgets. They have interviewed noted personalities such as Todd McFarlane and Curt Schilling.

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Hailing from the Northwest, Beefy is a massive presence in the nerdcore hip-hop scene. Since 2005, Beefy has been pushing his positive, pop culture influenced message worldwide, beginning with his debut The Whitesican EP. Never afraid to make references to X-Men comic books or video game vixens, Beefy has also found a way to create his own style backed by pop, rock, and hard powered rap production.

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