french rock | Musicosity

french rock


There is more than one artist with this name. 1) Loko is a French electro-rock artist influenced by Muse, Jeff Buckley and French writer/poet Charles Baudelaire. You can download his album "Ronces & Invisibles Fanés" here: 2) Gonzalo Gonzalez known as Loko / Löko, Gonzalo G, Far & Deep and Clubbers Revenge is one of the dj / producer in Argentina most important.

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Plastiscines are a female rock band from Saint-Cyr-l'École, France. Katty Besnard, Marine Neuilly and Zazie Tavitian met each other in Mansart High School where they bonded over their love of rock 'n' roll music. After they went to see several gigs together, they decided to form a band. In 2004, they met Louise Basilien at a Libertines gig, and she then became the bassist. Et voila, the band was complete : Katty (singer & guitar), Marine (guitar), Louise (bass) and Zazie (drums).

Dominique A

Born on the 6 October 1968 in Provins, France, Dominique Ané is the only child of a teacher and a homemaker. A loner throughout his teenage years, he was passionate about literature and music from a young age. He was interested in punk but, at the age of 14, at the beginning of the 1980s, he started to appreciate the dark romanticism of the New Wave movement. After completing high school he studied humanities for a year while holding a range of odd jobs, including a spell as a utility man for an FM radio station in Nantes, where his family lived.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Parabellum from Colombia. Being formed in 1981 Parabellum is referred to as the first extreme band from Colombia, and one of the first in South America. Unbelievably evil stuff somewhere between Hellhammer, Sarcofago, Poison (GER) and Bathory, but even more dirty and vicious with some spine-chilling parts. Had a couple of EPs in the 80-s, and in 2005 a compilation, called Tempus Mortis was released.

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The Prototypes are a French band formed in Paris, in 2003 when Stéphane Bodin and François Marché of Bosco collaborated with singer & performer Bubble Star (Isabel Le Doussal). Their hybrid style draws from many influences including folk, 1960s pop, and alternative Indie rock, but their signature sound is dominated by sequencers, synthesizers and risqué vocals often reminiscent of 1970s punk. Albums
Tout le monde cherche quelque chose à faire (2004)
Mutants Médiatiques (2005)
Prototypes (2006) - US Release with tracks from their previous two French albums

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There are six artists using this name
1. A German jazz/funk-percussion group active in the early 70's
2. A French duo active from the early 80's until the early 90's
3. A Ukrainian group
4. A Spanish hard rock band
5. The lead singer for defunct 70's experimental band Destroy All Monsters
6. An Italian progressive rock band (1.) The German jazz/funk-percussion group, Niagara, existing between 1971-1973.

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