KYU is the name of three artists represented on 1) kyü is an experimental pop outfit from Sydney, featuring duo Freya Berkhout and Alyx Dennison. Sounds like a tea party with Beethoven, Bowie, Bj
KYU is the name of three artists represented on 1) kyü is an experimental pop outfit from Sydney, featuring duo Freya Berkhout and Alyx Dennison. Sounds like a tea party with Beethoven, Bowie, Bj
Review: The Sunday Age July 24
People have been deriding Melbourne's The Sailors as vulgar, offensive, sexist, racist, homophobic one-trick ponies for years. But they're not. Well they are pretty vulgar, and the lyrics are distasteful, but if you listen to the snarling Cracker in the Niggertonk, the sing-speak of I Wanna be Black, and the almost-sweet refrains of Back in the Closet, it's obvious that The Sailors are challenging prejudices by subverting stereotypes.
There are six artists using this name
1. A German jazz/funk-percussion group active in the early 70's
2. A French duo active from the early 80's until the early 90's
3. A Ukrainian group
4. A Spanish hard rock band
5. The lead singer for defunct 70's experimental band Destroy All Monsters
6. An Italian progressive rock band (1.) The German jazz/funk-percussion group, Niagara, existing between 1971-1973.