multiple artists of the same name | Musicosity

multiple artists of the same name

The Sailors

Review: The Sunday Age July 24
People have been deriding Melbourne's The Sailors as vulgar, offensive, sexist, racist, homophobic one-trick ponies for years. But they're not. Well they are pretty vulgar, and the lyrics are distasteful, but if you listen to the snarling Cracker in the Niggertonk, the sing-speak of I Wanna be Black, and the almost-sweet refrains of Back in the Closet, it's obvious that The Sailors are challenging prejudices by subverting stereotypes.

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There are six artists using this name
1. A German jazz/funk-percussion group active in the early 70's
2. A French duo active from the early 80's until the early 90's
3. A Ukrainian group
4. A Spanish hard rock band
5. The lead singer for defunct 70's experimental band Destroy All Monsters
6. An Italian progressive rock band (1.) The German jazz/funk-percussion group, Niagara, existing between 1971-1973.

Read more about Niagara on

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