slovakia | Musicosity



There are currently 3 bands/artists on LastFM with the title 'Ears'. Read on to find the one you are interested in. Ears from Slovakia:
Ears are Slovak musicians with passion for bright cyborgs. The music is at the edge of electro-alternative and electro-pop. The band was founded in 1993 by Filip Orator and Silverman. It has distinguished lyrics, electronic sounds and distinctive Orator's vocal. They wrote 3 albums so far. Debut called pEARSing was released in 2001 by Sony Music.

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Skupinu AMO tvorí trojica ľudí, konkrétne to sú Opak, Moe a Viktor Hazard. Opak svoju hip-hopovú kariéru zahájil na prelome roku 95 a 96, kedy sa okrem inline agressive korčulovaniu venoval graffiti. Toho času plánoval kapelu so Zetorom (dnes známym DJom Yanom zo zoskupenia H16) a writerom Braom alebo Darkom (WGC, DCK). Keďže jeho pokusy zlyhali, postaral sa o zrod kapely KraKalla v prvej líni s raperom z ulice Deža -Vu. Neskôr sa pridal Blažo (dnes účinkujúci v Rendezská-SK).. Tá patrila vo svojej dobe po boku kapiel ako Názov Stavby, či Psyché k totálnej domácej hip-hopovej špičke.

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1.Conspire is a hardcore/doom band from Forked River,NJ 2.Conspire - power violence core band from Bardejov(Slovakia). Members: Matúš R. - drums; Dodo D. - el. guitar, vocals; ex - Vlado K. a.k.a. Megashit - bass, vocals(rest in peace bro!!!)
(anti)Discography: Demo'05 - 7 tracks including one cover version of "Dystopia - Backstabber" Song "V mene pokroku" also appeared in "Underground Harmony Compilation 1"

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1) Kontinuum Icelandic Ambient Metal
Kontinuum started as the brainchild of Birgir Thorgeirsson, a founding and current member of dark metal act Potentiam. The seed of Kontinuum started way back in 2001 when Birgir teamed up with former Potentiam drummer Kristjan Heidarsson to record an EP called Burned and Battered under the band name Pornea. This was an experimental metal project mixing doom with punk and dark atmospheric metal.

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No Name

There is more than one artist with this name:
1) NO NAME is a stand alone sub-group of the Japanese idol group AKB48.
AKB48 received their first television anime series entitled AKB0048. This anime series is directed by Yoshimasa Hiraike, and is planned and supervised by AKB48 producer Yasushi Akimoto 9 members of AKB48 and its sister groups were selected to voice the main anime characters after a public audition.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Parabellum from Colombia. Being formed in 1981 Parabellum is referred to as the first extreme band from Colombia, and one of the first in South America. Unbelievably evil stuff somewhere between Hellhammer, Sarcofago, Poison (GER) and Bathory, but even more dirty and vicious with some spine-chilling parts. Had a couple of EPs in the 80-s, and in 2005 a compilation, called Tempus Mortis was released.

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There two bands with this name: 1) História skupiny Editor sa dá rozdeliť na tri etapy.
Prvou etapou je obdobie od vzniku skupiny v roku 1988 až do roku 1993. Počas tohoto obdobia skupina vydala štyri demo kazety a jej tvorba sa dala jednoznačne zaradiť do thrash metalovej škatuľky.
Druhou etapou je obdobie od roku 1994, kedy skupine vychádza prvý oficiálne vydaný album "Shut Up!", na ktorom sa skupina predstavuje už nielen vo svojej typickej thrash metalovej podobe, ale svoju hudbu obohacuje aj o prvky hardcoru a punku.

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