rune grammofon | Musicosity

rune grammofon


«A Norwegian improv trio armed with a banjo, a double bass, a pedal steel, a bizarre tabla machine, shruti boxes and a fondness for freeing folk from its folk songs—from Santa Fe to Bombay.» Boston Weekly Huntsville’s unexpected sounds and textures, allied with echoes of traditional genres in a radical new conceptual language have been described as abstract drone Americana and yoga country. Their sound contains references to Supersilent, Bohren und Der Club Of Gore, Beirut, Tape, Tim Hecker, In The Country and John Cage.

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Supersilent is a Norwegian / group from Oslo, Norway, formed in 1997 and signed on Rune Grammofon. The band reportedly never rehearse together or communicate about their music outside of live sets and studio sessions. Supersilent was formed when the trio Veslefrekk (Arve Henriksen on trumpet, keyboardist Ståle Storløkken, and Jarle Vespestad on drums) played a concert with producer, artist and self-described "audio virus" Helge Sten (a.

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Bushman's Revenge

Bushman's Revenge is a Norwegian free jazz group, consisting of: Even Helte Hermansen (Shining) - Guitar
Rune Nergaard (Marvel Machine, Bullet, Team Hegdal) - Bass
Gard Nilssen (Puma, Heidi Skjerve Quintet) - Drums. Bushman's Revenge aims to combine the jazz/improv background of the rhythm section with the rock/metal background of the guitarist to create their own expressive music inspired just as much by Black Sabbath and Jimi Hendrix as by Ornette Coleman and Albert Ayler.

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