electro-techno | Musicosity



Following the success of Chloé’s The Waiting Room, the label Kill The DJ continues to redefine a certain idea of electro music with the long-awaited release of the first album by REMOTE, aka Seb Fouble & Eric Guillanton. 2000-2003: the post-French touch period, everybody is on the look out for something new, and that something new is somewhere out there on vinyl. Seb & Eric release their first maxi as Joe Zas & Co. on Pamplemousse. Then another, this a really important record, a witness to its time: Astroglide, considered as one of the best maxis in 2003 by the press and DJs alike.

Read more about Remote on Last.fm.

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ADULT. is an band from Detroit, Michigan that integrates vocals with drum machines, analog synths and electronic/punk elements. They started releasing albums in 1998 under the pseudonymn "Plasma Co." Initially, ADULT. members were unrevealed, but now it is known that the band consists of husband-and-wife Adam Lee Miller (formerly of Le Car) and visual artist Nicola Kuperus. The two members are also the founders of the Ersatz Audio record label.

Read more about Adult. on Last.fm.

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There is more than one artist with the name Freestyle: 1. One of the most prolific and influential of the '80s electro artists, Miami-based producer Tony Butler recorded a string of popular club tracks on Power/Jam Packed and his own Music Specialist label in the mid-'80s, helping build the electro legacy that would give birth to Miami-style bass music and freestyle (named after Butler's primary pseudonym), as well as influence '90s post-techno artists such as Autechre and Biochip C.

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* Nume adevarat: Octavian Teodorescu
* Pseudonim artistic:Octave S-a nascut la 29 ianuarie 1963, in Bucuresti. Inca din copilarie ii placeau toate tipurile de instrumente si muzica in general. Desi parintii sai observasera acest lucru, nu l-au orientat in acest sens. La varsta de 16 ani a vazut primul concert rock din viata sa: Suzi Quatro 1979 live in Bucuresti. Impactul a fost foarte puternic. Genul acesta de manifestare artistica, Rock, ii va marca adolescentului de atunci devenirea artistica ulteriora.

Read more about Octave on Last.fm.

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