Simbiose, Portuguese Crust/Hardcore Punk band.
Simbiose, Portuguese Crust/Hardcore Punk band.
Location: Bristol, South West UK
Genre: Hardcore No Warning Shot was started in mid 2002 by Toby (Guitar/vVcals) and Merv (Vocals) with no real intention of taking the project any further than Toby's 8 track. Fed up with the current state of pretty boy "core" bands and easy scene bullshit, the duo released a 6 track mini album which they circulated for free. Among the many listeners bleeding from the ears were the fine organisers of the infamous "Uxfest" who approached Toby to enquire about the possibilities of No Warning Shot performing .
Post grind extremist noise... Other Websites:
Birdflesh started in October 1992 as a four piece band. One of the guitarplayers had to leave the band because it sounded like shit with two guitars. First demo was recorded in 1994 and the second was out in 1995. Did some shows in the hometown, rehearsed some, drank some beer and recorded the third demo, "Fishfucked", in 1997. The following years were pretty much the same. Did some shows, released some records and drank many beers. In September 1999 Birdflesh went on a Japan tour.
Penetrating, clear, sharp, direct, forceful… These are all words that you will find in the dictionary next to the word ‘Incisive’. So, although you may not be familiar with the 27-year-old rapper/producer who goes by this name, it is a given; this won’t be the case for long. The gifted and vibrant, west London emcee is intent on setting the British music scene a blaze in 2010, with his blend of witty lyrics, cool as ice flow and fresh-to-death production, all showcased on his upcoming self-titled debut solo album.
Holocausto Canibal is a band from Porto that was manifested during the Autumn of 1997, assembled by erstwhile members of acts such as Nephrit, Web, Dying Season, Wintershades and Impious in vocalist Ricardo Silva, guitarist Nuno, bassist Zé Pedro and drummer João Lamela. The first line up change occurred in October 1998 when Silva was asked to leave. New man Carlos would be drafted for recording of the rehearsal demo 'oPus I'.
Dubiously labeled a "Tech metal", or "Math Rock" band, Five Star Prison Cell offer a different and non-conformist approach to songwriting. Brutally heavy, Dark and forboding with the ability to switch time, pace, genre and style at the drop of a hat; Adam, Cam, Mark and Marc take great pleasure in constantly challenging themselves while at the same time serving up a dish of fresh new and always evolving ideas to their unsuspecting but ever growing fan base.