metal united | Musicosity

metal united


Formed in Portsmouth England, this pure rock based outfit have taken England, Britain, Europe by storm. Their self titled debut album becoming available in August 2009 has taken the energy and charisma of their live shows, and somehow contained them in a digital format. Find, listen, watch, enjoy then go to bed happy. Tricorn are the way forward. Check out

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There are 2 metal bands with this name: A greek (Progressive Death Metal) and a portuguese (Thrascore/Melodeath Metal) one. 1) Greek one:
They were formed in 2004 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The line-up consists of G. Chionidis (drums), N. Parastatidis (guitars), P. Bouklis (guitars), T. Deligiannidis (vocals) and A. Roditis (bass). They have released a demo in 2006 entitled This Suffering. Zero Tolerance (UK) magazine awarded them the Demo of the Issue (September/October 2006) and Metal Hammer (GR) magazine awarded them the Demo of the Month (July 2007).

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Shock Absorber

Shock absorber were formed , by George Matikas (guitar,ex-W.A.N.T.E.D., ex- LAST ROUND) and Kostas Tsagaris (guitar, ex-SICKS DAZE) at February 2006 . Kostas and George started working on some songs of their own when Antonis Kanaras (drums,ex- LAST ROUND) join the band in July 2006, and right after a month the line up was completed with the addition of Tasos (bass) and Bebis (voice, BULLDOZA, PANX POUTANA).

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Horrified is a Death Metal band from Athens, Greece. The idea of forming a Death metal band was swirling around in Gore's head for months, back in 1989. 1990 - Finally HORRIFIED came into being in early 1990 with the following line-up: Gore- Vocals, Timos- Guitar, Kostas- Bass, Stelios- Drums. After a couple of live demos their first official one was released in late 1990 entitled "Prophecy Of Gore". The response of the underground scene was enthusiastic. They signed with the local underground label Black Power Records.

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