Psychedelic Rock | Musicosity

Psychedelic Rock

El Caco

El Caco is a band from Lillestrøm, Norway. The members, Øyvind Osa (vocals and bass guitar), Thomas Fredriksen (drums) and Anders Gjersti (guitar), began working together in 1998. Fredrik Wallumrød joined the band in 2008. About El Caco (MySpace)
One listen to the masters of the road El Caco and the smell of hot leather and burning rubber will return with vengeance. These Norwegian road bandits have the ability to grasp the finer elements of their influences and mould them into their own diverse sound.

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Al Lover

In short, Al Lover is a producer from San Francisco, but there's more layers to his wall of sound then meets the ear. Over the last few years he has gained much notoriety for his melding of contemporary and past garage and psychedelic rock into harsh yet spacey abrasive beats. Equal Parts 13th Floor Elevators and DJ Shadow, Al Combines crunchy drums, shaky percussion, chopped samples and layers of textured effects to create an unexplored path for psychedelic music.

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BK & Dad

Balaclava Kid & Dad were spewed forth from Welsh mountains of serene resonance. A 2-piece jam band currently based in Norwich (Unit 5). Angered by sonic censorship in city centres, lack of free/cheap practice space and building developers, they have decided to go forth and seek them and they who make these foolish cultural quenchers in order to get amps back to 11.

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The Deviants

The Deviants (formerly the Social Deviants) were a musical group in the United Kingdom. Out of the Ladbroke Grove UK Underground Community, a number of bands would emerge. Perhaps the most anarchistic band of the Underground was the Deviants founded and fronted by singer/writer Mick Farren, the Social Deviants, later just the Deviants, made three bizarre albums in two years. Mick Farren states that The Deviants were a community band which "did things every now and then - it was a total assault thing with a great deal of inter-relation and interdependence".

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My Sleeping Karma

It's rock. It's mixed emotions. It's three dudes (previously four) from the middle of nowhere doin' their thing. Rock music with charming character. Retro, psychedelic, groovy, organic. Simple as it can be. Guitar, bass, drums in love with a "soundboard". Transporting their emotions, voiceless but with lots of messages. Take your time and get your trip...chill and rock is one family!

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Fire & Ice

1) Fire & Ice is a hardcore punk band from Richmond, Virginia. They are inspired by such bands as Leeway and other New York Hardcore. 2) Fire & Ice is a trance formation consisting of Laurent Véronnez aka L-Vee and Jurgen Leyers aka DJ Fire. They met at Love Parade '97 and after a long talk decided to do a project together, with focus on producing "emotional trance". Their first single "Lost Emotions" hit Europe by storm and is still one of their biggest hits so far.

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