musica latina | Musicosity

musica latina


Meneo is pure gameboy reggaetón and electro-dancehall along vocoders and keytars, which are the weapons of choice for *MeNeO*'s deep, flavoured, latin rhythms that are accompanied by Entter's VJ "Fruity Booty" and his made-to-measure vjing application that's been the envy of many at several video art festivals. The MENEO performance investigates artistic concepts that imply the surprising and unforeseeable, accidents, mistakes and coincidences as a means to alter the dynamics of creative performance and to discover new aesthetic presentations.

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El Caco

El Caco is a band from Lillestrøm, Norway. The members, Øyvind Osa (vocals and bass guitar), Thomas Fredriksen (drums) and Anders Gjersti (guitar), began working together in 1998. Fredrik Wallumrød joined the band in 2008. About El Caco (MySpace)
One listen to the masters of the road El Caco and the smell of hot leather and burning rubber will return with vengeance. These Norwegian road bandits have the ability to grasp the finer elements of their influences and mould them into their own diverse sound.

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Carmen Linares

Carmen Pacheco Rodríguez, born in Linares (Jaén) in 1951, is without doubt a fundamental pillar of all current flamenco singing, she masters a vast repertoire of flamenco styles due to her long experience. Her enormous versatility has allowed her to take part in zarzuelas (a Spanish form of musical drama), plays and several projects involving classical musicians and musicans from the world of jazz. Out of her works, the recording of an anthology of female flamenco singing is the one which stands out.

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Alejandro Fernandez

Alejandro Fernandez (born April 24, 1971) is a popular Latin Grammy-winning Mexican singer nicknamed as "El Potrillo" ("The Little Colt") by the media and his fans. ] Alejandro originally specialized in traditional, earthy forms of Mexican folk and country music, such as mariachi and ranchera. However, his more recent work has focused on mainstream pop music. He is the son of Vicente Fernández, also a popular Mexican country singer.

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Ultra-red are a sound art collective founded in 1994 by two AIDS activists. Originally based in Los Angeles, the collective has expanded over the years with members across North American and Europe. Members in Ultra-red range from artists, researchers and organizers from different social movements including the struggles of migration, anti-racism, participatory community development, and the politics of HIV/AIDS.

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There are several artists named Nail. #1: Nail is a Canadian progressive heavy rock/metal band. After spending several years performing with Canadian multi-platinum recording artists Helix, Nail was formed in 2007 by Rainer and Cindy Wiechmann after their departure from that group. Nail presents a sound that is a considerable departure from the ‘80s “Hair Metal” rock sounds one would associate with Helix, having roots and influences more likely associated with groups like Rush, Black Sabbath, and Tool.

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Diego Torres

Diego Antonio Caccia Torres (born March 9, 1971 in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine pop singer and composer. He launched his first album, "Diego Torres", produced by Cachorro López. This album was rewarded 3 times platinum. Two years later, and a little distant from TV, he launched his second album called "Tratar de estar mejor" which received 5 platinum albums in Argentina and gold and platinum albums in other Latin American countries. This album launched Torres to the international scene.